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By 2025, 100% of documents and results of administrative procedures will be digitized
10:33 | 13/07/2021
VCN - According to Decision No. 917/QD-BTC on the Action Plan of the Ministry of Finance to implement the Scheme on renewal of the implementation of the one-stop-shop, the inter-agency one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures to implement Decision No. 468/TTg of the Prime Minister, the goal is that by 2025, 100% of documents and results of administrative procedures will be digitized.
Industrial real estate is still the fertile land
13:17 | 24/03/2021
VCN- Assessing the real estate market in 2021 by market segment, according to experts and firms in the survey of Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report), some segments that will continue to attract cash flow areindustrial real estate, mid-range apartments priced from 25 - 30 million/square metres serving real needs, real estate services, housing associated with industrial zones with prices from 1-3 billion and mountain resort real estate.
Improving investment climate will attract large investors from the US
17:36 | 26/10/2020
VCN - Vietnam needs to make more efforts in improving the investment and business environment to attract more quality investment capital from the US in order to promote high and sustainable economic growth.
Tightening the linkage between FDI and domestic enterprises
20:33 | 19/08/2020
VCN - The trend of shifting FDI investment to other countries, including Vietnam, is an opportunity for the domestic economy and the FDI sector to create a tighter linkage. However, the linkage between domestic enterprises and the FDI sector is still facing many difficulties, mainly due to shy domestic enterprises.