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Maintain the “line of defense” against inflation
13:28 | 30/01/2023
VCN - The good control of inflation in 2022 is thanks to reasonable decisions, "right people - right time", creating a basic premise for Vietnam to continue to implement the target of 2023.
E-commerce tax collection: Seen from talking numbers
10:03 | 11/01/2023
VCN - Thanks to close management solutions, tax revenue from e-commerce has increased yearly. Concerns about the loss of tax revenue in this new field have been gradually pushed back, and the business environment has also become more equitable among economic sectors.
Preparing resources for implementing e-invoices
20:11 | 22/10/2021
VCN - The General Department of Taxation is preparing resources to be able to complete the "coverage" of e-invoices nationwide by July 1, 2022.
It is a temporary solution when base salary increase is delayed to 2021
15:46 | 27/10/2020
VCN - The Government's proposalto not raise the base salary in 2021 is necessary in the current context so that the state budget can ensure spending on other urgent tasks. Assoc.Prof.Dr. DinhTrongThinh, Senior Lecturer of the Academy of Finance spoke with Customs Newspaper about this issue.
Building a legal framework "tightening" tax evasion and price fraud
09:45 | 27/06/2020
VCN - Evasion and avoidance of income tax is a particularly common phenomenon in the world, including in Vietnam. Therefore, in order to combat the loss of state budget revenues, tax administration agencies have been taking drastic measures to ensure the full collection for the state budget.
TABMIS: A “backbone tool” for managing national budgets
20:10 | 22/04/2020
VCN- Starting to deploy in 2006, after 14 years of completion and widespread deployment nationwide, the Treasury and Budget Management Information System (TABMIS) has now become the "backbone" in financial management and national budget, contributing significantly to the modernisation of the State Treasury (ST).