50% of units have not issued norms, making it difficult to manage public assets

VCN - The Law on Public Property Management and Use has been in force for more than 1 year. So far, the basic guiding documents have been fully enacted and come to life. However, some problems arising in deployment have been recognized and it is necessary to have timely solutions in the future.
tin nhap 20190520104739 It is impossible to procure and sell public assets due to slow issuance of norms by many ministries
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tin nhap 20190520104739
The online conference evaluates the implementation of the Law on Public Property Management and Use on May 16, 2019.

The legal basis has been fully set

The Law on Management and Use of Public Assets approved by the XIV National Assembly on June 21, 2017, took effect from January 1, 2018. So far, except for the decree regulating the use of public assets to pay investors for implementing projects in the form of Build-Transfer (BT) contracts, the guiding documents have been approved by The Government, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance and the concerned ministries and branches to issue a legal basis for implementation.

There have been 11 ministries, branches and 62 localities issuing regulations on decentralization of public property management; 6 ministries, branches and 15 localities issued regulations on decentralization of authority to issue standards and norms for specialized machinery and equipment; 3 ministries, branches and 5 localities shall issue regulations on decentralization of authority to publicize standards and norms of non-business facilities of establishments under their management.

However, according to La Van Thinh, Director of the Department of Public Management, Ministry of Finance, some types of assets and fields lacking detailed regulations or are no longer suitable to the Law but have not been replaced, amended or supplemented.

About 50% of ministries, branches and localities still have not issued standards and norms for use of specialized offices, non-business facilities, specialized machinery and equipment affecting construction investment, purchasing, repairing, upgrading, renovating and handling of assets. The main cause is due to specialized ministries such as Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs which have not issued detailed regulations on standards and norms for asset use within the ministries therefore branches and localities have no basis to formulate and promulgate standards and norms for agencies, organizations and units under their management scope.

Some ministries, branches and localities have not yet issued timely decentralized authority documents; In particular, some ministries, branches and localities continue to use decentralized regulations issued before the effective date of the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets which leads to incorrect authority when deciding on purchasing, renting, using, handling public assets, handling assets established as a whole.

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The Ministry of Health is one of the units delaying the promulgation of standards and norms for the use of public assets. Source: Internet.

In order to continue implementing the Law, the Ministry of Finance will coordinate with ministries and branches to complete the documents detailing the implementation of the Law. The Ministry of Finance also proposed the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to urgently issue documents detailing the guidance on standards and norms on the use of public properties used in the field of health, education and training.

In addition, ministries, branches and localities should develop and promulgate guidelines for the use of specialized public assets to serve as a basis for the assignment, construction investment, procurement and management, using and handling public assets at agencies, organizations and units under their management; review the list of centralized procurement assets of ministries, branches and localities to replace or amend, supplement and ensure legal grounds according to the provisions of the Law; ...

In addition, it is necessary to urgently issue regulations on assets of high value to determine the authority to approve the scheme on the use of public assets in public non-business units under the management scope for business and leasing purposes.

Especially strengthening inspection of the management and use of public assets at agencies, organizations and units under the scope of management; promptly handle according to the provisions of relevant laws, for organizations and individuals that fall under the management competence that violate the management and use of public properties. The inspection and examination must be carried out from the estimation stage, construction, investment and procurement.

Promote the application of information technology

Accompanying the drafting committee since the Law on Management and Use of Public Property, Nguyen Huu Quang - Vice Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee of the National Assembly evaluated: This is a very lawful important document, not only because of the inheritance law and solving the problems of the 2008 Law on State Property Management, but also legalizing new contents in the 2013 Constitution.

According to Quang, this has ensured that all types of public assets must be managed strictly and effectively by law. The clear classification of public assets according to the groups stipulated in the law also ensures the use and management of assets according to predetermined principles, from which the assets are used effectively, economically, publicly and transparently; prevent and repel losses, waste, corruption and other acts of infringing upon public property; rational and efficient exploitation of public resources to serve the state management and an important resource for socio-economic development.

Looking back on the one-year old law, Quang said: To ensure more effective implementation of the law, the Government, the Ministry of Finance, ministries, branches and localities should review to amend, supplement and issue new legal documents under the authority of decentralization in the management and use of public properties; standards and norms for the use of specialized machinery and equipment in the management domain, especially special-use assets in the fields of health and education.

tin nhap 20190520104739 Identify and resolutely eliminate waste and loss of public assets

At the same time, promote the application of information technology to the management and use of public assets in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of state management of public properties; strengthening dissemination and propaganda on management and use of public assets; regularly inspect and supervise the management and use of public assets according to regulations.

By Hong Van/ Huu Tuc

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