6 key missions of anti-smuggling for Lao Cai

VCN- In Notice 67/TB-VPCP, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh assigned 6 key missions of anti-smuggling for Lao Cai Province.
6 key missions of anti smuggling for lao cai
Lao Cai Customs’ officials examine imported goods. Picture: Thu Hoa.

In 2016, Lao Cai province detected and handled 1,236 violation cases (increased by 55 cases compared to the same period in 2015). In particular, there were 617 violation cases of illegal trade, 561 cases of fraud trade, 26 cases of fake products); 86 cases of criminal prosecution within 124 violators for drugs, fireworks, explosives, foreign currency, and forestry products trafficking (rose by 76 cases compared to 2015), worth over 60 billion vnd, rose by 12.3% compared to the same period in 2015 (8.3 billion vnd of handling administrative violations, over 35.5 billion vnd of tax arrears, over 14 billion vnd of goods value; 2.3 billion vnd of selling confiscated products).

However, besides those achievements, smuggling and illegally transporting minerals, crop protection chemicals, raw tobacco, drugs, fireworks, and other types of basic products through Lao Cai border have been not detected, more complicated, sophisticated and serious, especially in the high peak of Tet 2017.

The limitations mentioned above are due to many reasons: long border, complex terrain, domestic production is limited, and the vehicles and conditional work of the functional units has been limited. People’s lives are still difficult, low literacy levels, small-size and fragmented production, and cultivation methods are backward.

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh has asked Lao Cai Proveince to direct its functional forces to focus on 6 missions of strengthening anti-smuggling.

The first, take seriously and effectively the directions of theGovernment and the Prime Minister; and directions and plans of the National Steering Committee on anti-smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeiting. Promoting responsibilities of committees and leaders of the agencies and functional units at all levels, mobilizing the combined strength of the whole political system, organizing a mass movement of national security protection which defines clearly the tasks of anti-smuggling and trade fraud and counterfeiting are important political tasks, need to take drastic and frequent action, and grasp thoroughly and clearly affirm that there are "no prohibited zones" in this work.

Second, implementing the 2017 work plan, ensuring to complete all targets, including assigning specific tasks and urging the implementation of branches, functional forces (especially local units), watching closely the actual status of the province. In particular, implementing Plan No. 358/KH-BCD389 on 17/11/2016 on anti-smuggling, trade fraud and conterfeit goods. Focussing on resolving the shortcomings in the work of directions, and timely supporting vehicles and expenses for these forces. Proactively review and propose amendments and supplements to the legal texts having shortcomings for violators taking advantage; in cases beyond their competence, reporting to the Prime Minister to consider and decide.

Thirdly, Steering Committee 389 of Lao Cai Province must do better in the work of directing its agencies: Steering Committee 389, Traffic Safety Committee to organize, collaborate among functional forces (Police, Customs, Border guards, forest agents, market management, specialized inspection agencies…) and governments at all levels, assess the remaining problems to handle in the coming time. Focus on the fight against prohibited goods, counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, goods within high excise taxes; food safety, unknown origin; inspect and control activities of import for re-export in the province in order to prevent seepage into the domestic market; fight against fraudulent goods export for value added tax refund, and prevent and strictly handle timber smuggling and deforestation.

Fourthly, promoting the law to all people (especially people living in the border gate areas) and the business community; often organize propagandas, political and ideological education for civil servants, reshuffle public officials, do not allow violators to take advantage, buying off public officials, and timely praise collectives and individuals having outstanding achievements, and deal strictly with illegal behavior and abetting smuggling.

Fifthly, search for solutions to promote programs and projects of economic and social development, poverty reduction, new rural reconstruction, and implement Resolution No.19/NQ-CP and Decree Resolution No. 35/NQCP of the Government on improving the business environment, enhancing competitiveness, and supporting the development of enterprises; having methods to encourage start-ups, attract investors, develop trade services in the province and border areas; gradually improve the material and spiritual life for people, especially in the border and remote areas.

Sixth and lastly, strengthen international cooperation with the authorities and people in Yunnan Province (China) to contribute to build a border of peace, friendship, stability and economic-social development; taking action to prevent any prejudice to the relationship between the two countries; ensure national sovereignty, territorial integrity, security, social order and safety in the Vietnam - China border

By Huong Diu/Kieu Oanh

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