As the new norm is applied, public cars will reduce by more than 3,100 cars

VCN – On the afternoon of March, 03, 2017, the Ministry of Finance held a press conference on the orientation to amend and supplement regulations on the management and use of public cars in the coming time.
as the new norm is applied public cars will reduce by more than 3100 cars Following the MOF, some ministries, agencies and localities prepare to fix expenditure of public cars
as the new norm is applied public cars will reduce by more than 3100 cars Expenditure for public cars in 2016 decreases more than 118 billion vnd
as the new norm is applied public cars will reduce by more than 3100 cars Fixed-price public cars - Great expectations
as the new norm is applied public cars will reduce by more than 3100 cars

The press conference

According to Tran Duc Thang, Director of the Public Asset Management Department under the Ministry of Finance, since its inception, Decision No. 32/2015/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister regulating standards, norms and management and use of cars at State agencies, public non-business units, and one member limited liability companies with 100% charter capital of the State, has achieved many positive results.

One clear effect was that the number of cars for public works has significantly decreased. The handling of redundant cars in the form of transferring cars from the redundant units to other needy units, sale or liquidation to collect money for the State budget, was strictly implemented.

As stated by Tran Duc Thang, Director of the Public Asset Management Department under the Ministry of Finance, by the end of December, 31, 2016, the total number of cars on the database of State assets was 34,214 cars and the total number of cars for public works was 17,047 cars; of which cars for positions were 864 cars and for public works were 17,047 cars and for specialized purposes were 16,330 cars.

In the incomplete statistics of the Ministry of Finance, since the implementation of Decision No. 32, the total number of cars which were liquidated is 1,105 cars. Reporting that 35.15 billion vnd was earned from liquidation of 761 cars, an average of 46.2 million vnd / car.

In addition, the remaining 2,041 cars have been classified into redundant cars by the ministries, branches and localities and the Ministry of Finance, and will be continuously liquidated in the coming time. Thus, initially, the country may reduce by more than 3,100 public cars.

The regulation on fund packages for public car use have been researched to apply by some ministries, branches and localities (such as the Ministry of Finance, the Government Office, the Ministry of Transport, Hanoi city., etc).The initial results showed that the mechanism of public car packages contributed to save budget expenditures and had sympathy of people and public opinion

In order to promptly solve problems arising in nearly two years of implementation of Decision No. 32, the Ministry of Finance is drafting a Decision on amendments and supplementation to consult ministries, branches and localities before submitting it to the Government for approval.

In the draft, the Ministry of Finance plans to impose a compulsory package for titles from Deputy Minister level downward to be eligible for pick up from their homes to agencies.

Another great effect was that the Ministry of Finance proposed to voluntarily fix the fund for using vehicles while on business trips in the province or city or arranging vehicles for public works (if any) with positions with lead allowance coefficient from 0.7 to below 1.25 and positions who are eligible for using cars for public works at State economic groups and State-owned enterprises.

There were 2 options to identify the package norm, which are taking the cost of using a car to the income with level of 6.5 million vnd/ month or basing on price and actual distance from house to agency or distance of business destination.

Answering the basis to issue the 2 packages mentioned above, Mr. Tran Duc Thang said: these are packages created and averagely calculated on the basis of actual survey. They will also be adjusted when the consumer price index (CPI) increases / decreases by more than 20%.

With the second option, the package price of 16,000 vnd/km is adjusted when the CPI increases or decreases by more than 20% or based on the price of equivalent transport vehicle service in the local market. The determination of specific package prices shall be decided by the ministries, ministerial-level agencies and localities.

as the new norm is applied public cars will reduce by more than 3100 cars Ha Noi: Expenditure packages for public cars in large scale can save 50 billion vnd per year

VCN- As previously reported, from March 1, 2017, the People’s Committee of Hanoi City will officially apply ...

There were some comments that the above price is slightly higher than reality, but, according to the representative of the Ministry of Finance, with the level of 16,000 vnd/ km, the amount for package payment is only half of the amount to maintain one public car. "Thus, both the State and recipient receive benefits. Moreover, in order to ensure the stability of the policy, when the petrol price increases or freight increases, the level still ensures the operation for cadre and civil servants on duty. " Director Tran Duc Thang emphasized.

Proposing the package for cars for shuttle, why does the Ministry of Finance not propose the package for cars used for business trips?

Mr. Tran Duc Thang said: we considered this carefully. Now, we are applying the voluntary package, those who register the package receive the funding, who do not register the package are still completely transported.

If we can apply compulsory packages for cars for Deputy Minister level downward and equivalent levels, it will be a great progress and contribute to reduce about 700 public cars.

However, any policies also have their reasons. That the State permits cadres to use public cars is to create more favorable conditions to better implement general political tasks and ensure safety.

Therefore, we cannot oblige to fix the package for cars used for business trips, it should be done voluntarily.

If those who have personal cars or lease cars, they can voluntarily register the package. For remaining cases, we still maintain a ccertain number of public cars to support public works, and not to affect to work.

The compulsory packages for cars for shuttle is also a real survey step to basically deploy the next steps if finding is reasonable.

By Hong Van/ Huyen Trang

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