Block funding of using public vehicles: Do not go back

VCN- Implementing the Law on Management and Utilization of Public Assets, the Ministry of Finance has synthesized and accepted the comments and finalized the draft decree of the Government on regulating the standards and norms for the use of cars. Government review and approval. In the process of collecting comments on this draft, the issue of determining the norms and methods of financing the use of vehicles is still controversy.
block funding of using public vehicles do not go back
It is argued that mandatory allotment of expense should not be compulsory for vice-ministerial and equivalent positions due to specific characteristics of work. Picture: ST

Getting voluntary block is also exploratory

According to Mrs. Ta Thanh Tu - Deputy Director General of the Public Property Administration, Ministry of Finance, from August 2015, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 32/2015 / QD-TTg regulating standards, norms and the management and use of automobiles in State agencies, public non-business units and one-member limited liability companies with 100% of charter capital of the State. During the implementation of this Decision, the management of using public cars at agencies and units has had a positive impact.

A number of ministries, agencies and localities have been researching and applying the mechanism of package funding for public car use, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Government, the Ministry of Communications and Transport, Hanoi City,…

According to the incomplete Statistics of the ministry of finance. Since the implementation of Decision No. 32, the total number of the liquidated automobiles is 1,105 units. The report of the liquidation of 761 vehicles of which obtained 35.15 billion VND, average 46.2 million /each car. In addition, 2,041 vehicles have been considered redundant by the ministries, branches and localities as the Ministry of Finance and the cars left will continue to be liquidated in the coming time. Thus, initially, the country has been able to reduce more than 3,100 public vehicles, contributing to budget savings, which is agreed by the social community and the people.

However, some shortcomings still exist, such as: The number of vehicles for general work has decreased, but specialized vehicles tend to increase. After re-arranging cars for general work, a number of ministries, branches and localities shall continue converting their vehicles for general work into special-use vehicles.

Reducing 30-50% of the vehicle

After the Law on Management and Utilization of Public Assets was officially passed by the National Assembly, in mid-July, 1977, the Ministry of Finance completed the drafting of the Decree of the Government regulating the standards and norms for use of cars. With the specific rules, from the principle of the public carriage to the calculation options for a broad opinion. After 3 months, the Ministry of Finance received comments from 27 ministries, sectors, 41 localities, 4 economic groups and corporations. Basically, the opinions are agreed and some ministries and agencies have added comments.

In the draft, the Ministry of Finance has issued a guideline for the use of public vehicles. Accordingly, in all departments and organizations equivalent to the Ministry, all norms are reduced compared with the current regulations from 2 vehicles / department and 1 vehicle / affair to 1 car / unit (for Units with the approved payroll of 50 or more people) and 1 vehicle / 2 units (for units with the approved payroll of under 50 persons). According to comments and contribution of opinions from the Ministry of Justice, these norms make it difficult to perform the common tasks of agencies and units. In addition, units in different locations with a payroll of fewer than 50 people are assigned a vehicle for 2 units, it is difficult to use the car. Therefore, it is recommended that the research is conducted so that standardized subjects can use the vehicle or the blocking vehicle. In explaining this issue, the Ministry of Finance said that the regulation on cars based on the staff assigned to less than 50 people to limit the number of vehicles equipped for units with a few workloads and low payrolls. At the same time, the draft stipulates that agencies and units in different localities may assign the vehicles to such agencies or units for the direct management and use. In addition, the determination of norms based on the number of staffing is to ensure the suitability of the needs and the workload of agencies, organizations and units (as assigned by the staff on the block of workload). At the same time, in order to implement the orientation of reducing public car,, expanding the application of block or renting car services, the Ministry of Finance has submitted to the Government for permission to keep the regulation on the determination of vehicle norms according to payroll criteria as proposed by the Ministry of Finance in the draft.

For block funding, Ministry of Justice of Hanoi city strongly recommends that the budget allocation for transportation from the place of residence to the agency for the vice minister and the equivalent be considered because currently, the number of vehicles allocated to the titles this is not much. Even in the case of application of block funding from the place of living in the place of work, the agency may still have to arrange enough vehicles to serve when meeting or going to work. Moreover, these titles have to undertake many tasks and often attend many meetings, along with titles, the documents need to be protected. Therefore, the blocking of cars for these titles is not economical and effective, so voluntary block car is necessary. In explaining this matter, the Ministry of Finance said that the Prime Minister has instructed to reduce public car by 30% to 50% by 2020 and the block of compulsory transport from the place of residence to the agency is application for many subjects at both central, local and at economic conglomerates, including the title of vice minister and equivalent. Therefore, the compulsory application of these titles is not able to be slow.

In addition, according to the draft, the block vehicles is made for the position with coefficient from 1.25 up from the place of residence to the place where the car was not assembled in the city. Some commented that these titles attending the meetings in the inner city will cause many difficulties for the layout of vehicles in agencies and units. Therefore, it is proposed to supplement regulations on block transportation to meetings in the inner city for officials of central agencies; Among them, the number of staff members with position allowances is between 0.7 and 1.25. Ministry of Finance said that the decision on the block for public vehicles (subjects, forms and stages of application block) shall be considered and decided by ministries, central agencies, economic groups and provincial people's committees is suitable for the actual situation of management and use of vehicles, the practical conditions at ministries, central agencies, localities and State enterprises in order to ensure thrift and efficiency. However, through the comments of units and the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance has finalized the draft decree which sets out regulations of the block funding is determined by each stage: Picking up from the place of residence to the agency and vice versa for the title of vice minister and the equivalent; to go on business for the position of having used car standards for general work.

According to the Ministry of Finance, this Decree will soon be promulgated by the Government to come into effect at the same time as the Law on management and use of public assets

By Hồng Vân/Bui Diep

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