Development of e-invoice needs responsibilities of the two sides

VCN - Together with the modernization of tax administration, the use of e-invoice is one of the key tasks of the Taxation. To do this end, in addition to policies as well as the infrastructure of the Taxation, the support from the business community is a decisive condition for its success.
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development of e invoice needs responsibilities of the two sides

The use of e-invoice brings many benefits to the Taxation and business community. Photo: H. Van

2,700 enterprises use e-invoice

Based on Decree No. 51/2010/ND-CP of the Government on goods sale and service provision invoices, and then Decree 04/2014/ND-CP amending Decree 51, the Ministry of Finance provided regulations on implementation of e-invoice from 2011. According to General Department of Taxation, the number of enterprises using e-invoice has been increasing.

At the end of 2016, there were about 700-800 enterprises using e-invoice, but at the end of June 2017, the number of using e-invoice was 2,700 enterprises with 300 registered e-invoices. Actually, there are 3 types of e-invoices, they are self-printed invoices by enterprises, e-invoices used via an intermediary service provider and verified invoice by the Tax agency. For verified invoice type, enterprises connected with Tax agency to create an invoice and the Tax agency will verify to issue e-invoice with a verification code.

Regarding the advantages of e-invoice for enterprises as well as tax agencies, Mr. Nguyen Dai Tri, Deputy Director General of Taxation said: "In the past, invoices were made manually, so far, with the implementation of accounting software, enterprises can completely made e-invoices, thereby updating to the master system. This is convenient for enterprises and tax agencies.

In addition, the whole system of storage, transportation, transfer of the investment is done through electronic channels will save many costs for taxpayers, at the same time, help to preserve, use as well. Store bills more conveniently, better. On the management side, through the application of the investment certificate, the tax office has established a database of invoices for tax administration, inspection, collation, review and timely detection of fraudulent acts in issuing invoices.

In addition, the whole system of storage, transport, and delivery of the e-invoice is done via the electronic channel. Thus, saving costs for taxpayers, keeping, and using invoices much better. About the management, with the use of e-invoice, the Tax agencies has created a database on invoices for tax management, inspection, review as well as timely detection of fraudulent activities in invoice issue.

From the view of enterprises, Mr. Dau Anh Tuan - Head of Legal Department of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry stated that: One of the great benefits of e-invoice is to help enterprises avoid the risks of fake invoices, invoices of enterprises who fled away or other illegal invoices. When all transactions are transparent, the fight against revenue loss will be more effective, creating the fair business environment. In particular, when the tax agencies have full data, they are able to analyze fields of the high risk of tax loss and conduct monitoring activities.

However, Mr. Dau Anh Tuan also said that when enterprises carry out this policy, the IT application, and infrastructure and network congestion when declaring e-tax are concerns because the bad synchronization of state management agencies and technical incidents directly damage enterprises.

The roadmap is deferred to 2019

To speeding up the application of e-invoice in the coming time, the General Taxation Department is developing a Decree to replace Decree 04 and Decree 51. Since the Decree was commented widely, the General Department of Taxation has received many concerns from enterprises.

Mr. Nguyen Dai Tri shared that the first concern is the condition for application. In fact, over past years, under the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Taxation has implemented many electronic tax transaction activities from e-tax registration, declaration, and payment of the e-tax refund.

When implementing, the General Department always put the infrastructure, transmission lines, facilities and equipment on the top. “We always send a written request to the Ministry of Information and Communication for comments and the coverage of 3G and 4G over the country is the most important. Currently, nearly 100% of enterprises implement e-tax declaration and 96% e-tax payment conveniently” – The representative of the Taxation stated

Concerning the roadmap, the Taxation has targeted to apply e-invoice from 1 January 2017 for enterprises with high risk, from 1 July 2018 for enterprises. However, through the comments of enterprises, this roadmap is not long enough for enterprises prepare, the General Department of Taxation will consider and submit to the Ministry of Finance and the Government an option allowing delaying to the application to 1 July 2019.

About the smoothness of the system, in contrast to the traditional tax declaration and payment, the e-invoicing takes place hourly and daily and the deadline of tax declaration and payment before the 20th day of every month, so that enterprises seems to wait for the deadline to declare and pay tax. To overcome this situation, the tax agencies must ensure the infrastructure and transmission line and enterprises must change their habit to avoid congestion at that time.

Moreover, in order to be suitable for Vietnam's specific characteristics, the Tax agencies still maintain the use of paper invoices in certain regions and areas as a preventive measure not to affect activities of enterprises. Enterprises who are eligible for using paper invoices will be specific in the new Decree to avoid arbitrary application and reduce the value of the newly built system.

Expressing optimism about the plan of application of the General Department of Taxation, VCCI’s representative said that if the IT was applied methodically, it would make business activities more effective. Enterprises had to make a small investment, but it was believed that enterprises would receive many benefits hereinafter from saving costs, time and human resource due to computerization. This is an important benefit because of the IT application, including e-invoice, is an irreversible trend that countries around the world have applied ahead of Vietnam.

development of e invoice needs responsibilities of the two sides Toward applying e-invoice on a large scale

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"We understand that successful application of e-invoice requires responsibilities of both sides. The State management agency must develop infrastructure, appropriate plan, and sufficient legal system. Enterprises must make significant progress and specific orientation in IT application” – Mr. Dau Anh Tuan analyzed. Firstly, many business households and small enterprises will meet difficulties but should support this orientation of the Government and General Department of Taxation. Enterprises also expect that not only the Taxation but also other ministries, sectors, and agencies shall apply IT into their operation so that the Vietnam digital economy will develop quickly and provide many greater benefits

By Hong Van/ Huyen Trang

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