Financial Sector: Reduce the apparatus; make sure not to reduce the work quality!

VCN  - In recent years, besides the remarkable achievements in administrative reform, the reduction of focal units and the reduction of the apparatus are being implemented by the Ministry of Finance with drastic results. After a period of implementation, basically does not disturb the operation of the unit; Work efficiency is guaranteed. Particularly for procedures related to people, enterprises continue to be maintained stably and improved in a more favorable direction by the units in the Finance sector. 
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financial sector reduce the apparatus make sure not to reduce the work quality The financial sector is steadily reforming
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financial sector reduce the apparatus make sure not to reduce the work quality
After arranging, initially the District Taxation Department has gradually stabilized organization and normal operation. Picture: Nguyen Hue.

Cut 3,000 focal units

Implementing Conclusion No. 64-KL/TW dated 28 May, 2013 of the 7th plenum of the Party on some issues of continuing to renovate and perfect the political system from the central to grassroots level. The Party and the leaders of the Ministry of Finance have paid attention, directed, and thoroughly implemented some solutions to renovate and rearrange the apparatus of the Ministry of Finance in the direction of streamlining and efficiency. Accordingly, the results from early 2013 to October 2018, the Ministry of Finance has cut about 3,000 focal units from the central level to the local team level, which reduced 180 division-level focal points and the equivalent of about 2,800 team-level clans. The numbers of public service units belonging to and under the Ministry of Finance have dropped from 35 units by the end of 2016 to 28 units by reorganization, dissolution and suspension.

Together with that, the Resolution of the sixth plenum of the 12th National Assembly, the Ministry of Finance has also strengthened and streamlined industry units in multi-sectoral management. In principle, one thing is assigned to a unit in charge of implementation. Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance has reduced 53 local departments. Specifically: 1 customs department was dissolved; consolidated, merged 10 state reserve branches into 5 branches; dissolved 43 transaction offices under the provincial State Treasuries; Consolidated 7 tax offices into 3 regional tax offices; reduced to 357 squads and the equivalent of sub-departments of local departments. In addition, the Ministry of Finance is still reorganizing and merging tax departments to organize activities regionally, ensuring that by 2020 it will reduce to 420 tax departments and reorganize departmental divisions within the local taxation department.

On the efforts of the Ministry of Finance, economic expert Nguyen Minh Phong said that the process of active arrangements of the Ministry of Finance is in the right direction, according to the direction of the Central Committee of the Party rearrangement of being compact, efficient and effective. The Ministry of Finance can be considered as one of the leading and active ministries in organizing and streamlining the apparatus; it may also be "a speeding train." According to Mr. Phong, this is the right direction, because if by only reducing the payroll the machine remains, and it may again get filled up with people. When the apparatus is streamlined, then gradually reduce the personnel, which will basically solve the excess of the apparatus.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Phong also noted: When reducing the focal unit one must think of ensuring the quality of service to people and businesses. The main solution is e-government, electronic processes, and the application of the single window mechanism. At present, the work of tax declaration, payment and other procedures of the Finance sector have been conducted electronically. This is a way to support the refinement of the apparatus, as well as reduce the harassment and negativity when cadres and civil servants do not contact people and businesses. "In other words, when reducing personnel and focal units, they must improve the quality of human resources. In the process of streamlining our personnel, if we choose one of the top three for a position, it is clear that the service will increase. I think that the Ministry of Finance, together with a streamlined and effective apparatus, continuing to modernize and improve the quality of each job position must be done" Mr. Phong said.

Appreciate the efficiency of the work

Up to now, the Ministry of Finance will continue to strengthen, rearrange the apparatus, and streamline the staffing of 8 groups of tasks and solutions aimed at arranging and consolidating some organizations and units belonging to or under the Ministry of Finance. This will be done by implementing the reduction of bureaus, subdivisions, units/teams and equivalents of general departments and equivalent, and reducing at least 10% of the whole personnel of the branch as compared to 2015. Accordingly, for the departments under the General Department, especially the general departments with a vertical management system such as the General Department of Taxation, General Department of Customs, Silver, Reserve, the Ministry of Finance plans to consolidate and arrange to avoid overlapping and duplication of functions, tasks, intermediate level reduction, direct working level upgrading, and continue to review the implementation of the structure of tax agencies, Customs, Treasury and State Reserve at the regional level.

Specifically, for the tax system, it is expected to rearrange 327 tax departments of districts, towns and cities under the provincial taxation department of a province or city under the Central Government into 154 regional tax departments (decreased 173 offices. In 2019, it is planned to rearrange the 53 tax divisions of districts, towns and cities into 25 regional tax offices (down 28 tax offices). In 2020, it is planned to reduce, rearrange 168 tax offices of districts, towns into 78 regional tax departments (reduce 90 offices)... On streamlining, as planned, by the year 2021, the Ministry of Finance will cut at least 1.77% of its personnel annually, ensuring a reduction of at least 10% of its personnel quota over 2015.

For public service delivery units, the Ministry of Finance is also merging five training and refresher training centers under the General Department of Financial Institutions Training under the Ministry of Finance. In the immediate future, from 2018 to 2020, the merger will be carried out from 2 to 3 units and by 2021, the merger will be continued.

Mr. Pham Duc Thang - Acting Director of Personnel Department, Ministry of Finance, will continue to understand and improve the awareness and make a clear change. To think and act in further renovating and rearranging the organizational apparatus of the Finance Ministry in a streamlined, effective and efficient manner; At the same time, promoting the role and responsibility of the head, ensuring fairness, objectivity, and consider the effectiveness of work as a decisive factor.

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In addition, the Ministry of Finance continues to carry out the reform of the administrative procedures, the reform of the process, the modernization of the sector with the reform of the apparatus, the restructuring of the civil servants effectively. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance shall regularly inspect and supervise the law on renovation, rearrangement, streamlining apparatus, streamlining staffing; getting results is one of the important criteria to assess the level of completion of tasks of heads of agencies and units. "In the process, the Ministry of Finance is looking forward to the agreement of the Party Committee, local authorities, the interest, support and support of all levels and sectors," Mr. Thang said.

According to the assessment of units in the financial sector, after a period of carrying out the consolidation and rearrangement of the apparatus, by basically not disturbing the operation of the units work efficiency is guaranteed. Particularly, the procedures related to people, businesses continue to be the units maintaining a stable, improved and more favorable direction.

By Hong Van/ Huu Tuc

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