Financial sector: streamline the apparatus at the central level

VCN- The Minister of Finance has just signed the Action Plan to implement the Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW and Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party. Accordingly, from 2018, the Ministry of Finance will consolidate and streamline the apparatus to ensure efficient operation, increase the effectiveness of management to meet the requirements of reform, modernization and international integration. This clearly demonstrates the determination of the finance sector to strengthen the system.
financial sector streamline the apparatus at the central level
According to the plan of the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Taxation will reduce at least 150 sub-departments. Photo: Minh Nguyệt.

Increase the proportion of self-employed people

Under the plan, the Ministry of Finance will reduce the number of organizations and units in the whole system (from central to local levels). Non-business units under the Ministry of Finance, by 2021, will reduce by at least 10% compared to 2015. At the same time, the whole system will implement reducing staffs, tying with arrangement and streamlining apparatus, restructure the employees and laborers system; renovate and improve the quality and efficiency of public non-business units of the Ministry of Finance. By 2021, implement to reduce a minimum of 10% of its employers.

For public service delivery units, the Finance Ministry will boost the transfer of 10% of the number of employees into an autonomous and self-responsibility mechanism, replacing the source of salary payment from the State budget to non-business revenues.

The Ministry of Finance will continue to review and consolidate its functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure. Accordingly, a task is assigned for one agency or organization in charge to implement and take main responsibilities, other agencies and organizations coordinate. The Ministry of Finance will not set up new divisions in its departments, special cases are decided by competent authorities; not upgrade the sub-department to departments and general departments; not establish representative office of the Ministry of Finance in the South.

Regarding the General Department of Taxation, the General Department of State Reserve will be set up, develop functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure to ensure lean systems, functions and tasks between attached units. At the same time, these systems will review, develop and finalize the criteria for the establishment of sub-departments, divisions, which are tying with scale, tasks, sector modernization and performance, taking into account specific factors in some localities.

The Ministry of Finance has given specific figures showing determination in streamlining apparatus, especially in taxation, customs and state treasury systems. Accordingly, these three vertical systems will reorganize the sub-department to operate in the region, ensuring the matching of investment resources with management efficiency and with the process of modernization of the sector. In 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, general departments which have a vertical system will carry out restructuring of local divisions to reduce at least 215 sub-departments.

Of which, the General Department of Taxation shall reduce at least 150 sub-departments, the State Treasury shall reduce at least 50 units at district-level, the General Department of Customs will reduce at least 10 sub-departments; General Department of State Reserve will cut off at least 5 sub-departments. By 2021, the General Department of Taxation will reduce by at least 50% of the tax departments; the General Department of State Budget and the State Treasury continue to restructure to reduce the local state treasury offices; The General Department of Customs continues to restructure to reduce departments, sub-departments, teams, etc.

Create consensus

Implementing this plan, the Ministry of Finance identifies that raising awareness, creating a breakthrough in awareness and actions in further renovating and reorganizing the streamlined apparatus for effective operation, is one of the top priority tasks.

Accordingly, agencies, organizations and units under and attached to the Ministry of Finance will closely coordinate with Party organizations and Party Committees at the same level in organizing the implementation and thorough grasping of Resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government on this issue in the entire staff of civil servants, employees and laborers under their management. The agencies, organizations and units under and attached to the Ministry of Finance, especially in the vertical system in the localities, should do their tasks well in providing information, propaganda and creating consensus with the Party and the local authorities.

The Resolution No. 04-NQ/BCSD of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance will also master the principle, the Finance sector will closely manage its staff, streamline staffing associated with restructuring the public servants; implementing solutions to attract, recruit talents…

In order to organize the implementation, the Party committees, the Party organizations, the heads of agencies and units are to organize thorough study of the resolution, so that each party member, cadres, employees in the units are aware of the current state of organizational structure of the political system as well as of the Ministry of Finance; firmly grasp the viewpoints, targets, tasks and solutions mentioned in the resolutions for effective implementation.

Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung:

The streaming of the apparatus and reforming public service delivery units requires the action of all sectors at all levels.

For the Ministry of Finance, to implement the policy of the Central Government, we have rearranged the organizational structure, reviewed the initial functions and tasks.

It is possible to mention that from July 1, 2018, the new Law on Public Debt Management, the Ministry of Finance was assigned as a focal point to mobilize ODA and foreign preferential loans, with the spirit of re-examination of tasks of units under the Ministry, we see that there is no need to increase the organization and apparatus, self-employed arrangements are implemented to complete this task.

In addition, we had a meeting to agree and approve the Scheme, first of all for the system of vertical units.

Specific reductions have been made, but during the implementation, we will continue to review and the number of tax departments possibly to be reduced in the coming time will be larger than the amount stated in the approved project.

By H. Vân/ Kiều Oanh

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