Many National Assembly deputies and people agree with the apparatus reform of the Ministry of Finance

VCN - Answering the press, National Assembly Deputy Nguyen Ngoc Phuong (Quang Binh) said that the results of arrangement and merger of units of the Ministry of Finance expressed the high responsibility of the Ministry in the compliance with Resolutions of the Party Central Committee, requests of the National Assembly and the Government in the implementation of staff reduction
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many national assembly deputies and people agree with the apparatus reform of the ministry of finance

Deputy Nguyen Ngoc Phuong

Through supervision, the National Assembly has identified that the organizational structure of the political system has many levels and many clues; operational effectiveness and efficiency have not met the requirements and tasks. Apart from some ministries and localities which made efforts to streamline the apparatus, many others have not yet put their feet in. What do you think about this?

The administrative reform project developed in 2010 with the following important contents, which are streamlining the human resource and raising efficiency and effectiveness of state management. But after 10 years of implementation, the human resource was not reduced but increased. The number of departments, and institutes increased. Many ministries have ministers in excess of allowed number. The above situation raises the burden on wage fund, causes wastefulness and affects the implementation of the Government’s wage project.

At the 2nd session of the XIII National Assembly, I have commented on this issue and to the 10th Session of the XIII National Assembly, many deputies in charge of supreme supervision continued to make queries. The Government has made quite a detailed report to the National Assembly on this issue.

In fact, there is still a situation that the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure of some agencies and organizations are still overlapped and duplicated, etc. The strengthening of the organizational structure of the political system is associated with the human resource streamlining and restructuring of the contingent of cadres and civil servants achieved low results.

The report of the Ministry of Home Affairs shows that 11 localities use staff in excess of 7,951 staff compared with allowed number; 31 out of 63 provinces and cities use staff in excessive number and some localities have a redundancy of 161 vice chairpersons of communes and wards. Reviewing the data to find that the streamlining of human resource and reduction of clues and improvement of the efficiency of state administration apparatus have deployed slowly and ineffectively.

However, recently, following the the Resolution of sixth plenum of the XII National Assembly on "some issues of continuing the renovation, reorganization of the political system, streamlining, effective and effective operation", some ministries such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and some localities such as Quang Ninh, Ha Giang, Lao Cai and Yen Bai have made breakthroughs in the apparatus streamlining. This is a remarkable result and the ministries, sectors and localities need to actively participate in to effectively carry out the task of apparatus streamlining and staff reduction.

Over the past time, the Ministry of Finance has made breakthroughs in innovation and restructuring of the apparatus in a streamlined, effective manner. What do you think about the performance of the Ministry of Finance?

According to reports from the press, figures released recently after the Ministry of Finance carried out the apparatus streamlining project were quite impressive and were appreciated by many National Assembly deputies and people. Specifically: from 2013 until now, the Ministry of Finance has cut about 3,000 units from the central level to the local team level. From 2015 to now, the Ministry has reduced nearly 3,500 staff.

The results of arrangement and merger of units of the Ministry of Finance showed the determination to reform the apparatus; to attach the apparatus reform with administrative procedure reform; to apply information technology and modernize in order to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of state management and law enforcement in the financial sector. This expressed the high responsibility of the Ministry of Finance in the compliance with Resolutions of the Party Central Committee and the requests of the National Assembly and the Government on the staff reduction.

It is proposed that the apparatus reform and staff streamlining must be implemented drastically, if not, we cannot escape the vicious circle of the budget deficit, failure to reduce the recurrent expenditures due to bulky apparatus and increased staff. In your opinion, is this correct? Why?

Our country currently has more than 90 million people, but more than 11 million people are paid from the budget. Therefore, the source balancing to pay salary or increase salary according to the roadmap is always a difficulty and requires many sources.

With its responsibility, the Ministry of Finance has taken many measures to implement the Government's guideline on tightening spending, curbing inflation, reducing the public debt ceiling, finding more management solutions to increase budget revenues, etc. I share with the Ministry of Finance for its efforts in balancing the budget because the "burden" from recurrent expenditure does not decrease, while it still needs more sources for development investment, social security and so on.

Therefore, it needs drastic participation of the ministries, sectors, localities in the apparatus streamlining and staff reduction to reduce public expenditure. At the same time, public non-business units need to accelerate the autonomy and be independent on finance. If the staff in this area is reduced, it will reduce a significant expenditure for the State budget.

The sixth plenum of the XII Party Central Committee has issued Resolution No. 18-NQ / TU and Resolution No. 19-NQ / TU to overcome the cumbersome and ineffective apparatus. I think there will be significant changes in this regard in the coming time. However, the implementation process needs to follow a specific roadmap, with careful and flexible steps, to listen and flexibility, listening and doing the ideological work for cadres and civil servants for the consensus. In addition, there should be a mechanism to select talented people who are capable of ensuring the work assigned.

many national assembly deputies and people agree with the apparatus reform of the ministry of finance Minister Dinh Tien Dung: The Financial sector to build a streamlined and efficient administration apparatus

VCN - Sharing with the press on October 23rd, 2018, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung said ...

Regarding the restructure of state budget expenditures, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of recurrent expenditures and to increase the expenditures for development investment. Along with that, strengthening budget disciplines and rules, tightening recurrent expenditures to strictly control the public debt and budget deficit.

Thank you, Sir!

By Hong Van/ Huyen Trang

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