Minister Dinh Tien Dung worked with HCM City on the pilot mechanism and policies of the city development

VCN- In the afternoon of October 26, the Ministry of Finance held a working session with the Municipal Party Committee, the People's Committee and the delegation of the National Assembly to discuss the contents of the draft resolution of the National Assembly on the mechanism and policies piloting the development of Ho Chi Minh City. Politburo Member, Secretary of the HCM City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan; Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung chaired the meeting.  
minister dinh tien dung worked with hcm city on the pilot mechanism and policies of the city development
Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan addressed at the meeting.

Speaking at the meeting, Minister Dinh Tien Dung said: Right after the direction of the Prime Minister and the conclusion of the Politburo, the Ministry of Finance has established the drafting committee and the team to help, coordinate with the ministries and branches to finalize the draft resolution.

The meeting was aimed at soliciting opinions of the delegation of the National Assembly, City Party Committee, City People's Committee to finalize the draft Resolution in the spirit of ensuring HCMC - The main focus of the whole country is to have resources, to have a policy mechanism and to be dynamic enough to continue to develop, worthy of being the nation's leading ship.

According to the Minister, the draft resolution on the general understanding of the Politburo's conclusions is as follows: The pilot implementation of specific policies and mechanisms for Ho Chi Minh City is based on the whole of the country, harmonious combination Between the general and the private in the legal framework, what is clear then to do right, what is not clear complex for the pilot, to sum up partially and summarize to replicate.

After the meeting, the Ministry of Finance will continue finalizing the Statement and draft Resolution to seek the Ministry of Justice's appraisal opinions and report to the Government for reporting to the National Assembly and National Assembly agencies to review and make a decision.

In the draft of the Ministry of Finance released at the meeting, the development of mechanisms and policies to pilot development Ho Chi Minh City follows three principles: First, accelerate decentralization, increase autonomy, increase the responsibility of the city government, at the same time ensure the inspection and supervision tasks of the National Assembly, the Government, People's Council at all levels of Ho Chi Minh City; To fully implement the publicity and transparency for the observance of the people, socio-political organizations and mass organizations.

Secondly, specific mechanisms and policies for development of Ho Chi Minh City must be put in the relationship with the city for the whole country and the country as the city develops; To ensure the compatibility with the resources of the State, on the basis of mobilizing a variety of social resources to concentrate on developing socio-economic infrastructure, step by step addressing challenges to meet the requirements of the new development stage.

Thirdly, to ensure compliance with the Constitution of 2013 and the systematic order of law, in line with the direction and tasks of Ho Chi Minh City's development till 2020; To adopt measures to restructure the state budget and public debt management in order to ensure a safe and sustainable national financial situation.

The draft decree stipulates that HCMC should be autonomous in piloting a number of mechanisms and policies which, according to current regulations, will be decided by higher levels. The city is allowed to implement some policies which are not regulated yet etc.

Areas proposed for pilot policy and mechanism include: Urban and land planning management; investment Management; financial management - budget; Authorization mechanism between levels of government and income of cadres, civil servants and managers of Ho Chi Minh City.

minister dinh tien dung worked with hcm city on the pilot mechanism and policies of the city development
According to Minister Dinh Tien Dung, the draft resolution must comply with, thoroughly grasp the direction of the Politburo.

Speaking at the meeting, Secretary of the HCM City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan said that the delegation of the National Assembly, the standing representatives of the City Party Committee and the People's Committee of HCM City highly respect the spirit of active work of the Ministry of Finance. At the same time, we believe that this draft will soon be completed to contribute to the City's rapid and sustainable development of the country. For the purpose of finalizing the draft, the City has set up a working group to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies in the coming time.

Reportedly, the Ministry of Finance drafted a resolution of the National Assembly on the mechanism and policies piloting development of Ho Chi Minh City to implement the direction of the Prime Minister, based on Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW on 24th October, 2017 of the Politburo on reviewing the five-year implementation of Resolution 16-NQ/TW on the direction and task of developing Ho Chi Minh City until 2020 and on the basis of the proposal of Ho Chi Minh City. The draft resolution of the National Assembly shall be formulated in accordance with the order and procedures laid down in the Law on the Promulgation of Legal Documents.

On 20th October 2017, the Ministry of Finance held a meeting to seek opinions of a number of ministries, central agencies and People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to continue finalizing the draft and the Ministry of Finance sent document number 14319/BTC-NSNN dated 24th October 2017 to the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City for comments on the draft.

On 24th October 2017, the People's Committee of HCMC issued Document No. 6677/UBND-TH to the Ministry of Finance-attached to the draft resolution of the National Assembly. Based on the opinions of the City, the Ministry of Finance has completed the draft report and the resolution of the National Assembly on the mechanism and policies piloting the development of Ho Chi Minh City.

By Hồng Vân/ Huu Tuc

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