Online public service of State Treasury: Operating smoothly and ensuring safety

VCN - After a period of active online public services, the State Treasury units of the provinces and cities have obtained certain results.  
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By the end of October, 48,267 units had participated in the State Treasury's online public services. Photo: S.T

The results were initially good

According to the latest statistics of the State Treasury, by the end of October 2019, there were 48,267 units participating in online public services with 123,006 active user accounts. In particular, there were more than 95,500 accounts conducting transactions through the online banking system with an average of more than 16,000 records generated daily. The peak day can reach more than 29,000 records. Also, according to the State Treasury, as of October 31, 2019, there were 21,737 units registered to use the online banking services, reaching 73 percent of the plan (the plan for 2019 is 29,646 units).

Currently, in many state and provincial state treasuries, the online banking system has worked smoothly, ensuring safety, detailed regulations for each service, being easy for participating units to use. For example, in Son La State Treasury, as of October 31, in the province, 251 of 260 budget-using units have successfully connected with the public service of the Treasury, completing 97 percent of the plan. In particular, there are 195 units that transfer money via VSD. According to Mr. Nguyen The Chat, Director of Son La State Treasury, 3 percent have not participated in the online banking services, most of which have changed the apparatus (dissolved or merged), so they wait for the title of account holder to be consolidated, thus delayed in public service.

“Thanks to propaganda and advocacy, up to now, most of the units have agreed on the implementation, actively coordinated and prepared the conditions to participate in the State Treasury's public service. These units also enthusiastically participated, seeing the utility in transferring payment documents through public services is to save time, they do not have to go to the State Treasury headquarters, being able to transfer documents overtime, always see the status of your documents, print your own debit notes,”Mr. Nguyen The Chat said.

AtThai Binh State Treasury, this unit has implemented the Electronic Transaction Scheme on the State Treasury's online payment system with the units using budget in the area. According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai, Deputy Director of Thai Binh State Treasury, currently the total number of regular transactions with Thai Binh State Treasury is 1,442 units. As of October 31, 2019, the whole province had 766 units successfully registered for online public service. Ofwhich, 641 units participated in the transaction through online banking services with 23,989 successful transaction documents. Thai Binh State Treasury strives, by the end of December 2019, there will be 100 percent of units successfully registering for the online service at the provincial State Treasury and 70 percent of the units at the district State Treasury.

In addition to the localities with a high proportion of service users, there are still some difficulties. For example, at Lai Chau State Treasury, currently 60 of 190 budget-using units that have transactions with the provincial State Treasury register to participate in the online public service (accounting for 32 percent of the budget-using units having transactions with the provincial State Treasury). According to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Phong, Director of Lai Chau State Treasury, currently, the number of budget-using units in Lai Chau registering to use public services is low due to certain difficulties in the implementation process.

"Causes such as: Changing working habits, approving documents through paper copies and signing by hand are also difficult because account holders are not familiar with document verification on computers. The number of signatures has greatly affected the implementation process, and the accountants and account holders of budget-using units are not familiar with data file transfer and electronic coding. Therefore, although there has been propaganda about the benefits of online banking services, many budget users still prefer direct transactions,"Phong said.

According to Lai Chau State Treasury, in the future, Lai Chau State Treasury will continue promoting information dissemination and instruction on how to use online public services to users at budget-using units. At the same time, Lai Chau State Treasury will regularly propagate to raise awareness and understanding about the role and benefits of the online public service system, creating a driving force for budget-using units and investors. The State Treasury also participates in using more and more online public services of the State Treasury.

Convenience in remote areas

According to the plan of the Central State Treasury, in 2019, the local State Treasury must complete the "coverage" of public service delivery at all units using the state budget that have transactions with the provincial State Treasury. Up to now, most local State Treasury has continued to urge and support the remaining units using budget in the area to reach 100 percent of the plan.

In the State Treasury of districts and towns of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, the year 2020 will be when the units will officially implement this service. Currently, many units have obtained certain results. Most notably, at the State Treasury of Hung Yen, this is one of the few units in the entire State Treasury system that has completed the "coverage" of online public translation to all budget-using units in the area. Currently, this unit has continued to operate and effectively exploit the online public translation system, increase the receipt of documents and process documents to solve tasks in a timely manner for transaction units. Accordingly, assigning and arranging professional and informatics staff to closely coordinate with the State Treasury to guide and timely support units using online public translation. On that basis, grasping the difficulties and obstacles of units use online public service,the State Treasury of Hung Yen also regularly updates the directions, notices and instructions of the State Treasury on the web portal and online public homepage for timely and effective implementation.

In mountainous provinces such as Son La, the State Treasury has initially worked with district and commune budget spending units. For these units, Director of the State Treasury Son La Nguyen The Chat said that, in general, difficulties and obstacles will be more than the previous units such as facilities, geographic location. The most difficult is the capacity of the commune-level accountants (especially those in 30A, remote and isolated areas). In these communes, accountants often have low professional qualifications. Moreover, in extremely difficult communes, there is often the situation of "changing people", causing the State Treasury officials to continuously guide and remove difficulties.

However, besides the difficulties, the conditions for these budget users to participate in online public service are much more convenient. In Nam Nhun district (Lai Chau province), although it is a new district with difficulties such as remote and scattered areas, especially poor, but up to the present time, due to the concentrated procurement under the provincial program, 11 communes in this district are fully equipped with computers, printers and scanners. The director of the State Treasury Nam NhamChinhChinhDuy affirmed that the commune-level budget units in the district were all ready to use the online public service of the State Treasury.

It can be said that one of the utilities of online public services is to reduce the time and effort of travel for accountants of the budget-using unit. For the units directly under the provinces and cities, this utility seems insignificant because the geographical location is easy to move but with remote areas, especially at the commune level in the mountainous districts (there are places where it takes half a day to move to the center of the district - where the State Treasury is located), the meaning of this service is clearer than ever.

“With online public service, I believe that when these units are successfully connected, the utility of this service will bring them a lot, especially saving time and effort of travel due to distance. That is the biggest meaning that online state services provided by the State Treasury,” Mr. Nguyen The Chat said.

By Thùy Linh/Bui Diep

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