Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc: Tax sector must prevent situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed

VCN- At aconference to announce completion of the plan for establishment of regional tax departments of 63 provincial and municipal tax departments held on February 26, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said the tax sector needs to move towards a modern tax administration modelthat is consistent with international practices in the near future.  
prime minister nguyen xuan phuc tax sector must prevent situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed Tax officers to be on duty and online support all weekend to support electronic declaration
prime minister nguyen xuan phuc tax sector must prevent situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed Taxpayers use e-tax service from February 10
prime minister nguyen xuan phuc tax sector must prevent situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed Build a connection between tax authorities and businesses
prime minister nguyen xuan phuc tax sector must prevent situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc addressed the conference.

According to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the country has drastically taken measures to implement socio-economic development according to the Government's resolutions from the beginning of the year, especially in the context of prevention of acute respiratory infections caused by the coronavirus. In this context, the tax sector has streamlined the organizational structure, which shows its efforts and determination.

According to the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 report, the tax payment index has increased 22 places, bringing Vietnam from 131st to 109 out of 190 countries assessed. At the same time, according to a survey of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), taxpayers' satisfaction level has increased from 75% in 2016 to 78% in 2019, up 3%

The Prime Minister assessed that the tax sector has performed effectively. Along with the organizational structure, it also done well the Party affairs, including ideological work with the relationship of local Party committee level.

Although the tax sector implementsorganizational structure, it still retainsthe solidarity of the whole sector and organizes civil servants and staff well with a new, streamlined model.

“This will be a good experience for other sectors to apply such as regional courts and regional procuracies,” thePrime Minister said.

Recently, we have witnessed a rapidand drastic change in tax administration reforms and removing difficulties and obstacles. With these efforts, the tax payment index has increased 22 places, bringing Vietnam from 131st to 109th out of 190 countries assessed. At the same time, according to a survey of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), taxpayers' satisfaction level has increased from 75% in 2016 to 78% in 2019, increasing by 3%.

Notably, the Tax sector continues to promote international tax cooperation activities. Currently, it has signed 80 avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements and established tax cooperation with international organizations such as WB, IMF, OECD, JICA and IFC. Currently, it is preparing to sign the multilateral agreement (MLI); preparing conditions to participate in the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Tax Information (GF/EOI). At the same time, it is also promoting its member role of Cooperation Forum to implement Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS).

Especially, the contingent of civil servants has improved and developed,meeting requirements of innovation and integration, including many young and responsible officers that arefull of enthusiasm.

“On behalf of the Government, I acknowledge, appreciate and commend the efforts and achievements of officials, civil servants and staff of the tax sector and the coordination of ministries and sectors, especially the drastic performance fromthe beginning of the year of the Party committees and local governments," the Prime Minister added.

Consider exemption, reduction and extension of tax due to the impact of Covid-19 epidemic

Through the process of restructuring the taxation apparatus, the Prime Minister stated that there were still some shortcomings.

Firstly, the building and advising ofcompetent authoritiesto perfect institutions, administrative reforms and the business environment has been improved, but it has been performed slowly. Some administrative procedures are still complicated, causing difficulties for taxpayers and business operation.

Secondly, besides shortcomings and weaknessesintax policies, harassment and negativity still occur. Some officials have not yet complied with disciplines and rules and must be handled. How can the tax sector prevent the situation that leaders direct drastically but some tax officials have not performed in some areas?

Thirdly, although the tax payment index has increased 22 places, it still ranks 109 out of 190 countries. It needs to further increase in 2020 and following years. At the same time, prevent big outstanding tax debts, delays in tax payment, tax evasion and transfer pricing which reduce fairness in taxpayers' fulfillment of tax obligations and the transparency of the business environment.

Fourthly, the application of information technology for tax administration and building a database of taxpayers is still slow; capturing of revenue sources and revenue is not timely; the forecast and assessment of revenue is not close to the actual situation, making it passive for the administration of the state budget.

The Prime Minister said the acute respiratory infection caused by coronavirus has significantly affected the socio-economy. However, with the determination to prevent and control the epidemic, the Government does not adjust its growth goals and efforts to implement the tasks set out in the Resolution. Therefore, the tax sector plays an important role, contributing to the country's economic growth goals.

The Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Taxation to further promote the responsibility with the Party, State and the people, preventingdelays in performance.

Specifically, the tax sector will soon study and propose tax solutions (policies on tax exemption, reduction and extension) to support and solve difficulties for businesses and people affected by the Covid-19 epidemic.

In 2020, the Tax sector will strive to exceed the assigned target of at least 5%. This is a difficult task in the context of the current disease, so the whole sector must make great efforts to complete tasks and request each civil servant, with specific results to each unit to perform tasks.

By Thuy Linh/Ngoc Loan

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