High increase of CPI due to market factors

High increase of CPI due to market factors

VCN- Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Director of Price Management Department of Ministry of Finance, Team Leader of the Steering Committee on Price Management of the Prime Minister talked to Customs Newspaper on this issue.
Export turnover of 36 major commodities decreased

Export turnover of 36 major commodities decreased

VCN- According to the General Department of Vietnam Customs, total export turnover of the country reached US$ 73.89 billion, an increase of 19.2% compared to the same period in 2017.
Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first half of April, 2018

Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first half of April, 2018

Vietnam‘s trade-in-goods from January to the first half of April of 2018 totaled US dollars 125.72 billion in value terms. It posted a growth of 17% (equivalent to USD 18.24 billion) from the same period of previous year.
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