HCM City: Customs and Tax coordinate to combat revenue loss

HCM City: Customs and Tax coordinate to combat revenue loss

Mrs. Phan Thi Thang Director of HCM City Steering Committee on prevent revenue loss, suggested that the HCM City Customs Department and Tax Department should cooperate with other units to combat the revenue loss.
There will be five Decrees and eight Circulars for guiding Tax Management Law 2019

There will be five Decrees and eight Circulars for guiding Tax Management Law 2019

According to the General Department of Taxation, there will be five Decrees and eight Circulars for guiding the Tax Management Law 2019.
Attempts to avoid tax shelters in associated transactions

Attempts to avoid tax shelters in associated transactions

The Government issued Decree 20/2017 / ND-CP (Decree 20) regulating the tax administration of enterprises that have associated transactions
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