State Treasury promotes digital convenience and facilitates customers

State Treasury promotes digital convenience and facilitates customers

VCN - Digital data in the process of state budget expenditure management is linked, ensuring efficiency and transparency.
Tax sector proposes handling over VND1 trillion from inspections

Tax sector proposes handling over VND1 trillion from inspections

VCN - From the beginning of 2023, the tax sector has focused on tax debt inspection and management to strive to fulfil the whole year’s target.
State budget revenue in first month of 2023 sees low result

State budget revenue in first month of 2023 sees low result

VCN - State budget revenue from import and export activities in January 2023 for the whole Customs sector only reached around VND 25,000 billion or 5.8% of the estimate, down 42.3% year-on-year.
Over VND638 trillion of public investment for 2023 allocated

Over VND638 trillion of public investment for 2023 allocated

VCN - By the end of January 2023, more than VND638 trillion of public investment for 2023 has been allocated.
“Stability of public finances creates room to handle the difficulties of the economy”

“Stability of public finances creates room to handle the difficulties of the economy”

VCN - This is the opinion of Dr. Le Duy Binh, Managing Director of Economica Vietnam in an interview with Customs News about the positive results of the state budget - financial work in 2022.
Budget revenue exceeds estimate

Budget revenue exceeds estimate

VCN - The state budget-finance task in 2022 is implemented in the context of the world economy and has many fluctuations, causing many difficulties for the domestic economy. However, the Finance sector has completed its budget revenue target
Hanoi Customs collects more than VND80 billion from PCA

Hanoi Customs collects more than VND80 billion from PCA

VCN - Since early in the year, Hanoi Customs Department conducted post-clearance audits (PCA) at the enterprise office, exceeding 5% of the assigned target and 162.5% higher than the same period of 2021.
Strive to reduce budget deficit in financial plan for 2023-2025

Strive to reduce budget deficit in financial plan for 2023-2025

VCN - The domestic market's investment environment has improved, making Vietnam an attractive destination for foreign investors. As a result, trade activities have been expanded, and exports have maintained positive growth thanks to trade agreements.
Striving to fulfil 2022 budget collection task

Striving to fulfil 2022 budget collection task

VCN - By the end of October 2022, the state budget revenue has completed the tasks for 2022. However, the collection situation in recent months has decreased compared to the year's first half. Meanwhile, it is forecasted that in 2023, the state budget rev
Total state revenue in 2023 is estimated at VND1.620 quadrillion

Total state revenue in 2023 is estimated at VND1.620 quadrillion

VCN - The estimated domestic revenue increases by 3.2% compared with the estimate in 2022 to VND1,334.2 trillion, accounting for 82.3% of the total state budget balance.
Implementing tasks for social-economic development in Northern Midlands and Mountainous region

Implementing tasks for social-economic development in Northern Midlands and Mountainous region

VCN – The action plan of the Ministry of Finance to implement Resolution 96/NQ-CP dated August 01 2022 on the Politburo’s Resolution No.11-NQ/TW on directions to intensify socio-economic development and ensure national defence and security in the norther
Budget revenue in the first nine months of 2022 reaches 94% of the estimate

Budget revenue in the first nine months of 2022 reaches 94% of the estimate

VCN - On the afternoon of September 29, the Ministry of Finance held a regular press conference on the performance of the Ministry of Finance in September and the third quarter of 2022. Deputy Minister of Finance Nguyen Duc Chi chaired the conference.
Revising regulations on State budget management

Revising regulations on State budget management

VCN - the Ministry of Finance announced the consultation on the draft Decree amending and supplementing Decree 24/2016/ND-CP of the Government defining the regime of state budget management.
Finance sector strives to fulfill budget task

Finance sector strives to fulfill budget task

VCN - At the meeting to implement the tasks of August 2022 held on the afternoon of August 4, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said the Finance sector must make efforts to fulfill the budget task and proactively develop fiscal policies to promote socio-eco
Government requests development of economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023

Government requests development of economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023

VCN - Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai signed Directive 12/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on developing the socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023.
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