Difficulties begin to affect the profits of wood businesses

Difficulties begin to affect the profits of wood businesses

Business results of wood exporting enterprises began to record a decline due to the impact of inflation in export markets causing a decrease in orders
Most banks expect better business performance in 2022

Most banks expect better business performance in 2022

A majority of banks expected their business results to continually improve in Q4 2022, helping them gain profit for the whole year.
Construction firms optimistic about business performance in Q3

Construction firms optimistic about business performance in Q3

About 22 7 percent of construction firms said they performed better in Quarter 3 while 40 9 percent said their business remained stable according to the General Statistics Office GSO
Banks post strong performances in first 9 months

Banks post strong performances in first 9 months

Many banks have reported good business performance in the first nine months of the year thanks to decreasing provision costs and rising income from services
Credit institutions hope for better results in 2018

Credit institutions hope for better results in 2018

Most credit institutions reported good results in the second quarter of this year and expected their business performance throughout 2018 to be better than the previous year
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