Certification on CITES permit instructed

Certification on CITES permit instructed

VCN- Specifically, as per instructions from the GDVC, for the place of certifying the actual quantity of imported goods stated in the CITES permit, provincial and municipal customs departments shall instruct customs branches to fill in the actual quantity
Enterprises complain about specialized inspections

Enterprises complain about specialized inspections

VCN- Most enterprises reflected difficulties and obstacles in specialized inspections for imported goods, which affected the opportunities of enterprises.
Accept the fair trade - “good dossiers” for goods exported to EU

Accept the fair trade - “good dossiers” for goods exported to EU

VCN - Fair trade certification will help Vietnam's goods easily join in difficult markets such as EU, and US.
More than 400 records of imported seafood quality certification have been settled through the electronic system

More than 400 records of imported seafood quality certification have been settled through the electronic system

VCN- There were more than 400 records registering imported seafood quality certification to be resolved through the national portal of Vietnam.
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