Flexible and effective coordination of policies for economic recovery

Flexible and effective coordination of policies for economic recovery

To avoid missing the recovery trend of the global economy, the issuance of fiscal and monetary policies that are large enough to support economic recovery and development is an urgent requirement for Vietnam.
Recognising many violations through e-commerce

Recognising many violations through e-commerce

Taking advantage of the e-commerce market, people have intentionally mixed fake and poor quality goods to sell on websites, e-commerce exchanges and social networks.
Warning foreigners hidden behind enterprises for transporting drugs

Warning foreigners hidden behind enterprises for transporting drugs

Drug-related crimes involving foreigners in Vietnam have continued occurring complicatedly, with a connection between foreigners and domestic people
Smuggling drugs and wild animal products takes place on a large scale

Smuggling drugs and wild animal products takes place on a large scale

Arrests have indicated the seriousness of drug crimes, as well as crimes involving wild animals and tobacco, all of which have taken place on a large scale.
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