Proactively control counterfeit goods and infringing intellectual property rights

Proactively control counterfeit goods and infringing intellectual property rights

General Department of Vietnam Customs issued a plan on anti-smuggling of counterfeit goods, faked goods on intellectual property and infringing upon intellectual property rights in 2023.
Preventing contraband and counterfeit goods in cyberspace

Preventing contraband and counterfeit goods in cyberspace

Through advertising goods on cyberspace, competent forces inspected and discovered many business addresses selling infringing goods, even many warehouses storing infringing goods.
Reviewing fight against smuggling in 2022

Reviewing fight against smuggling in 2022

VCN - On February 22, 2023, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, the National Steering Committee 389 held a conference to review the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting in 2022 and set out orientations and key tasks for 2023
Promoting the application of technology in the fight against smuggling

Promoting the application of technology in the fight against smuggling

At the headquarter of the Ministry of Finance, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc chaired a conference on reviewing the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in 2022 and orientations in 2023
Businesses are frustrated with the problem of counterfeit goods and commercial fraud

Businesses are frustrated with the problem of counterfeit goods and commercial fraud

VCN - With sophisticated tricks, smuggled batteries have a VAT invoice equal to only 66% of the price list announced to customers.
The peak period of anti-smuggling and trade fraud before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2023

The peak period of anti-smuggling and trade fraud before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2023

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Director of the National Steering Committee 389, signed and promulgated Plan 115/KH-BCD389 to combat smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods
Enterprises voice concern about the problem of counterfeit goods and trade fraud

Enterprises voice concern about the problem of counterfeit goods and trade fraud

VCN - Counterfeit and trade fraud raises concerns in society. This not only affects the State's revenue but also causes great damage to businesses as well as Vietnam's trademark and reputation in the international arena.
Protecting consumers in e-commerce

Protecting consumers in e-commerce

VCN - The Ministry of Industry and Trade report shows that online trading is becoming a trend and habit of consumers, which helps Vietnam's e-commerce see strong growth.
Deputy Director General Nguyen Van Tho: Gathering force to fight against smuggling effectively

Deputy Director General Nguyen Van Tho: Gathering force to fight against smuggling effectively

Deputy Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Tho said that to effectively fight against smuggled goods and counterfeit goods, it require joining hand and concentration of competent forces
Businesses should proactively work with authorities to combat contraband and counterfeit goods

Businesses should proactively work with authorities to combat contraband and counterfeit goods

VCN - At the Seminar "Joining hands to fight contraband and counterfeit goods, protecting corporate brands and consumers' interests" organized by Customs Magazine on December 2, 2022, facing contraband and counterfeit goods, intellectual property violatio
Counterfeit goods dominate market share of legitimate businesses

Counterfeit goods dominate market share of legitimate businesses

VCN - The Department has handled 14,700 violations with a total value of infringing goods of VND5,100 billion, contributed VND334 billion to the State budget, prosecuted 36 cases and transferred 112 cases.
Hard to deal with fake motorcycles and spare parts

Hard to deal with fake motorcycles and spare parts

According to the VAMM, members of VAMM are facing problems in counterfeit goods, fake goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights (IPR) that are electric vehicles, motorbikes and motorbike spare parts
Hitting smuggling lines

Hitting smuggling lines

Fighting violations in online trading activities, the Police and Market Surveillance forces not only focus on anti-smuggling related to counterfeit and low-quality goods but also pay attention to other violations
Kien Giang Customs strictly controls smuggling before the rainy season

Kien Giang Customs strictly controls smuggling before the rainy season

VCN - From the beginning of the year, after the Covid-19 pandemic was under control, Kien Giang province has allowed border gates, international routes and Phu Quoc port to resume operations, so import and export activities, immigration and tourism activi
Hanoi develops plans to prevent contraband goods

Hanoi develops plans to prevent contraband goods

VCN - The 389 Steering Committee of Hanoi has actively developed specific plans to inspect, monitor, identify, prevent and handle smuggling cases, trade fraud, counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights, especially during holidays
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