Excess electricity from renewable energy, will electricity prices decrease?

Excess electricity from renewable energy, will electricity prices decrease?

The demand for electricity decreased when the Covid-19 pandemic started, while massive investment in renewable energy projects caused the supply of renewable energy to skyrocket
Has the EVN lost its monopoly in operating the competitive electricity retail market?

Has the EVN lost its monopoly in operating the competitive electricity retail market?

VCN- Regarding this, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, on August 7, the Ministry issued Decision No. 2093 / QD-BCT approving the design of the competitive retail electricity market model.
Solar Power Trading: Deadlock due to lack of clear regulations

Solar Power Trading: Deadlock due to lack of clear regulations

VCN - A lack of clear regulations distinguishing rooftop solar PV system and grid-connected solar power system is a problem causing Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) to struggle in buying electricity.
Due to deadlock over Covid-19 pandemic, many projects of power source behind schedule

Due to deadlock over Covid-19 pandemic, many projects of power source behind schedule

The National Steering Committee on electricity development recently updated the situation of the implementation of power projects in the revised Power Plan VII
Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes calculating retail price of electricity following 5-stage model

Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes calculating retail price of electricity following 5-stage model

Instead of calculating the electricity price under a 6-stage model, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is now proposing to re-calculate it with a 5-stage model.
Part 2: Divesting and equitising EVN: difficulties due to participation of too many agencies

Part 2: Divesting and equitising EVN: difficulties due to participation of too many agencies

VCN_ Nguyen Xuan Nam - Deputy General Director of EVN said in the period of 2011-2015, EVN has completed all the goals and tasks of restructuring under the direction of the Prime Minister. T
Solar power rises, but lags demand

Solar power rises, but lags demand

VCN - ​Although it has grown in recent years, solar power meets only a modest amount of total electricity demand.
EVN promotes the transmission grid to release solar power capacity

EVN promotes the transmission grid to release solar power capacity

VCN- The EVN has recently sent a report to the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) related to press information on the issue of solar power development.
Ministry of Industry and Trade requests large enterprises  to report on environmental status

Ministry of Industry and Trade requests large enterprises to report on environmental status

VCN – The Ministry of Industry and Trade continued to urge groups and corporations to pay special attention to environmental protection.
The electricity price in 2017 will not big and acceptable

The electricity price in 2017 will not big and acceptable

VCN – Mr. Hoang Quoc Vuong, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade stated that at a Meeting on 22 November 2016 on electricity supply in 2017
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