Which cases subject should be exempted from customs fees?

Which cases subject should be exempted from customs fees?

VCN - Therefore, import and export with a customs value of VND500,000 or more is subject to customs fees. Import or export worth VND500,000 or more, but with a total tax payable of less than VND50,000, is subject to exemption from customs fees.
100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

VCN - The National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to promulgate solutions to support businesses and people hit by the Covid-19 pandemic at a meeting on September 16, said the National Assembly portal.
Exemption of duties on imports that cannot be domestically manufactured

Exemption of duties on imports that cannot be domestically manufactured

VCN – If import goods are not on the list of machinery and equipment that can be produced domestically and meet the criteria of consumer goods, they will be exempt from import duty.
Government affirms that agricultural land use tax exemption would not reduce budget revenue

Government affirms that agricultural land use tax exemption would not reduce budget revenue

VCN - According to the Government, further exemption of agricultural land use tax to the end of 2025 will not reduce the state budget revenue because this policy is being implemented in reality.
Policy on tax exemption for agricultural land use positive in many aspects

Policy on tax exemption for agricultural land use positive in many aspects

VCN – Continuing the 44th working session, on the morning of April 28, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee discussed the draft Resolution on tax exemption for agricultural land use.
Proposing to exempt licensing fees in three year for enterprises transferred from household business

Proposing to exempt licensing fees in three year for enterprises transferred from household business

The Ministry of Finance is collecting opinions for the draft decree amending and supplementing articles of Decree No. 139/2016/ND-CP of the Government stipulating about licensing fees.
Enterprise can apply for exemption from Safeguard measures application

Enterprise can apply for exemption from Safeguard measures application

VCN- if the imported goods under HS codes stated in Decision 1931/QD-BCT and Decision 536/QD-BCT are not subject to investigation and have not been manufactured domestically, enterprises may apply for exemption from safeguard measures
Offer for registration fee exemption for houses and land for resettlement

Offer for registration fee exemption for houses and land for resettlement

VCN- Ministry of Finance is submitting for public comments on draft of amending and supplementing some articles of Decree 140/2016 / ND-CP on registration fee. In this draft, many types of assets including houses, land, vehicles, ships, etc. are added to
Revision of Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP: Amendment of tax exemption regulations for specialized goods

Revision of Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP: Amendment of tax exemption regulations for specialized goods

VCN- The Ministry of Finance will amend and supplement the regulations on import tax exemption for goods in the revised version of Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP.
Amend Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP: Amend tax exemption regulations for exported goods to process

Amend Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP: Amend tax exemption regulations for exported goods to process

VCN- The Ministry of Finance will amend and supplement Clause 1, Article 11 in the Decree 134/2016 / ND-CP, on duty exemption for exported goods for processing.
Social housing is subject to property tax exemption

Social housing is subject to property tax exemption

VCN - At the proposal to draft a property tax law is being submitted for comments, the Ministry of Finance has proposed many cases of tax exemption and reduction.
Exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees and residence registration fees

Exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees and residence registration fees

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has just issued Circular No. 64/2017 / TT-BTC guiding the exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees, and residence registration fees for the residents.
The case of exemption from checking energy efficiency

The case of exemption from checking energy efficiency

General Department of Customs suggested the Ministry of Industry and Trade to guide for cases of importing identical shipments that are vehicles and equipment in the production line.
No tax exemption or tax refund if enterprises do not manufacture

No tax exemption or tax refund if enterprises do not manufacture

VCN- In the case where enterprises do not manufacture or produce, they will not be allowed to enjoy tax exemption and tax refund when importing materials.
Government proposes more agricultural tax exemption

Government proposes more agricultural tax exemption

National Assembly deputies scrutinised a report on the draft resolution on revising and supplementing some articles of Resolution No. 55/2010/QH12 on exempting and reducing agricultural land rent during a plenary working session of their second meeting.
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