New regulations on importing non-biodegradable substances: Enterprises need to be well-equipped to avoid fines

New regulations on importing non-biodegradable substances: Enterprises need to be well-equipped to avoid fines

VCN - Talking to Customs Magazine, Mr. Le Hoai Nam, Director of the Environmental Quality Management Department, General Department of Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), said: The General Department of Environment and the General Department of Customs have strengthened coordination with enterprises via sharing information related to regulations on import and use of persistent pollutants and raw materials, fuels, materials, products, goods and equipment containing such decomposers (also known as POPs). The problem is that to implement the regulations from January 1, 2023, businesses need to understand the regulations to avoid penalties
Violations in scrap import handled

Violations in scrap import handled

VCN- NP Trading Production Co., Ltd. has just been fined by HCMC People's Committee nearly VND 2 billion for importing scrap not subject to the list of scrap eligible for import from abroad as raw materials for production under Decision No. 73/2014/QD-TTg
 Draft Decree on sanctions on Customs: Revising fines for some groups of violations

 Draft Decree on sanctions on Customs: Revising fines for some groups of violations

VCN - The Drafting Board has revised fines for a number of violations of regulations on managing import and export goods.
Make sure to erase tax debt to the right audience

Make sure to erase tax debt to the right audience

VCN - In the draft decree detailing a number of articles of the Law on Tax Administration No. 38/2019/ QH14, the Ministry of Finance specified very specific cases to be removed taxes, late payment interest, fines and conditions to return to the operations
Will the regulations on handling for excess tax amount of more than 10 years be changed?

Will the regulations on handling for excess tax amount of more than 10 years be changed?

VCN- Currently, enterprises, who have overpaid tax amount over 10 years, will not be refunded tax but there are no regulations on handling these amounts to account on the centralized accounting system.
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