Tax exemption for imported goods for investment projects –  changed time criteria

Tax exemption for imported goods for investment projects – changed time criteria

In the case where the list of imported goods with tax exemption for an investment project that has expired beyond the expected period, and there have not been imports, to continue to import without tax assessment will require some conditions.
Encourage enterprises to embrace electronic tax refund and invoice

Encourage enterprises to embrace electronic tax refund and invoice

The General Department of Taxation held a press conference about introducing some electronic services Tax, specifically electronic VAT refund and invoice.
Strictly managing VAT refunds in the last months of 2016

Strictly managing VAT refunds in the last months of 2016

In these last months of 2016, the tax industry will strengthen the monitoring of VAT refunds, implement VAT refund management in accordance with law, and strictly control the expense for VAT refunds.
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