GDVC answerers questions from Japanese enterprises

GDVC answerers questions from Japanese enterprises

VCN - Representatives of departments answered 28 questions from enterprises.
Japanese enterprises complain about high production costs and cumbersome procedures

Japanese enterprises complain about high production costs and cumbersome procedures

VCN - Japanese enterprises have suggested the authorities should simplify administrative procedures and the licensing process to help them shorten time and save costs for production, trading and investment activities in Vietnam.
Dialogue about customs policies and procedures with Japanese enterprises to be held

Dialogue about customs policies and procedures with Japanese enterprises to be held

VCN - On October 16, at the headquarters of the General Department of Customs, a dialogue conference about customs policies and procedures will be jointly held by the General Department of Customs and Japan Business Association in Vietnam (JCCI).
Many Japanese enterprises want to shift production to Vietnam

Many Japanese enterprises want to shift production to Vietnam

That was the information recorded at a dialogue with Japanese enterprises on policies and customs procedures held by Dong Nai Customs Department on September 22.
Vietnam offers opportunities for Japanese enterprises’ expansion plans

Vietnam offers opportunities for Japanese enterprises’ expansion plans

The Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) said with a young population, great potential and increasing trade growth, Vietnam is offering big opportunities for Japanese firms to expand their market.
PM Phuc pledges optimal conditions for Japanese enterprises

PM Phuc pledges optimal conditions for Japanese enterprises

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted separate receptions in Hanoi on January 15 for President and Chief Executive Officer of Japan’s Mitsui Tatsuo Yasunaga and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Honda Motor Seiji Kuraishi
Answering dozens of questions for Japanese enterprises

Answering dozens of questions for Japanese enterprises

VCN - On November 22nd, at the first dialogue conference with Japanese enterprises, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department has guided and answered many questions related to commodity management policy for export processing and production enterprises and proc
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