Customs valuation management needs boarder ‘coat’

Customs valuation management needs boarder ‘coat’

Although the specialized human resources performing valuation tasks are assessed to meet requirements, the model of the customs valuation management structure at the departmental and branch levels is not unified yet.
Online training course to improve knowledge for customs broker’s staff opens

Online training course to improve knowledge for customs broker’s staff opens

VCN- The attendees are customs brokers' staff whose customs broker codes have expired or are about to expire and others who want to update their knowledge of customs law.
Improve knowledge of candidates taking exam for Certificate of Customs Declaration

Improve knowledge of candidates taking exam for Certificate of Customs Declaration

VCN- Vietnam Customs School has held a training court to support and help candidates taking part in the exam for the Certificate of Customs Declaration in 2021.
Training course to improve knowledge for customs brokers’ staff opened

Training course to improve knowledge for customs brokers’ staff opened

VCN – The online training course is expected to open from 18 to 20 February, 2022 via the Zoom application.
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