Bringing the policies on reducing land rent and water surface rent into life

Bringing the policies on reducing land rent and water surface rent into life

The tax sector is drastically implementing dissemination and support to make the policy of reducing land rent and water surface rent in 2022 fully effective.
Various reasons for tax debt

Various reasons for tax debt

Currently, the list of intentionally delaying payment of tax debts of tax departments across the country are getting longer and longer.
Tax extension: Reducing financial pressure for enterprises

Tax extension: Reducing financial pressure for enterprises

The issuance of financial policies to support businesses is necessary to give strength to the business community, especially with the policy of extending deadlines for tax payments and land rent.
MoF to report to competent authorities about proposal on land rent reduction

MoF to report to competent authorities about proposal on land rent reduction

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has responded to issues related to public property management such as the VCCI's proposal on land rent reduction in 2021 for those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the status of management and use of State-owned housing
Businesses long to benefit from land rent reduction

Businesses long to benefit from land rent reduction

VCN - Amid difficulties, directly supporting businesses by reducing taxes and fees, including land rent, will be a very important and timely solution.
The Ministry of Finance collecting opinions to ensure the promulgation of resolution on tax support in time

The Ministry of Finance collecting opinions to ensure the promulgation of resolution on tax support in time

A representatives of leaders of the Ministry of Finance said that they are collecting opinions to promptly finalise tax support policies.
Less than a month to propose extension of deadline for tax payment and land rent

Less than a month to propose extension of deadline for tax payment and land rent

Taxpayers must send an application for the deadline extension of tax and land rent payment for the first time or for replacement when detecting errors to tax authority
Solutions on taxes, fees and charges to support enterprises

Solutions on taxes, fees and charges to support enterprises

VCN- The Tax sector will propose and report to competent agencies to provide effective solutions on taxes, fees and charges to support businesses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Director of Department for Tax Declaration and Accounting , Le Thi Duyen Hai.
Continue to extend deadline of tax payment and land rent: Good news for enterprises

Continue to extend deadline of tax payment and land rent: Good news for enterprises

In order to recover the economy, it is necessary to have essential support helping enterprises to have more cash flow to turn over production.
Dossier, order and procedures for reducing land rent for those affected by Covid-19

Dossier, order and procedures for reducing land rent for those affected by Covid-19

The Hanoi Tax Department had given instructions on dossiers, order and procedure of reducing land rent for subjects affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Worry about loss of domestic revenue in the future

Worry about loss of domestic revenue in the future

Facing the unpredictable development of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting enterprises and taxpayers, revenue losses are becoming a big concern of the tax sector in the future.
Hanoi: adding 86 businesses "named" tax debtors

Hanoi: adding 86 businesses "named" tax debtors

VCN - Hanoi Tax Department has just published a list of 86 units owing tax, fees and land rent with a debt of more than VND 40 billion.
Ha Noi publicized businesses have over 150 billion vnd tax debt

Ha Noi publicized businesses have over 150 billion vnd tax debt

VCN-In this list there are 136 tax debt companies, totaling more than 133.3 billion vnd and 9 units of land rent totaling more than 17.1 billion vnd.
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