Expedite implementation of scheme of restructuring SOEs

Expedite implementation of scheme of restructuring SOEs

VCN - The process of restructuring SOEs, equitization and divestment of state capital in many enterprises in 2016-2020 has achieved positive results. However, the performance at some SOEs has not gained results as expected.
SOE restructuring in a new period: Loss-making enterprises should made bankrupt

SOE restructuring in a new period: Loss-making enterprises should made bankrupt

VCN- Achievements in SOE restructuring for 2016-2020 are notedin the draft project on SOE restructuring, especially, for State corporations for 2021-2025 by the Ministry of Finance.
In 2017, minimum 18% of enterprises subject to tax management inspected and audited

In 2017, minimum 18% of enterprises subject to tax management inspected and audited

VCN - According to a report of the General Department of Taxation in 2016 summarizing the working performance,the whole sector’s inspections and audits were estimated at 84,472 enterprises.
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