Myanmar Customs

Myanmar Customs' reform benefits from political support

In Nay Pyi Taw, Secretary General Mikuriya had a series of meetings with political leaders, including Major General Aung Soe, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Thant Sin Maung, Minister for Transport and Communication, and Mr. U Maung Maung Win, Deput
Minister pledges measures to crack down on illegal trade

Minister pledges measures to crack down on illegal trade

Myanmar's Customs Department will implement short- and long-term measures to combat illegal trade along and within the country’s overland borders, Commerce Minister U Than Myint told lawmakers at an Amyotha Hluttaw session 17th August.
Myanmar customs automation to aid congested Yangon port

Myanmar customs automation to aid congested Yangon port

Customs officials in Myanmar said a new Japanese-funded automated customs clearance system to help end congestion that has crippled the largest gateway of Yangon will be fully operational by November.
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