Seized half ton of living pangolin

Seized half ton of living pangolin

116 pangolins, with a total weight of 530kg were discovered and seized by Hung Yen police in the area.
Quang Nam Customs seize a case of illegal transport wild animal

Quang Nam Customs seize a case of illegal transport wild animal

Nam Giang Customs Branch detected and seized a case of transporting Pangolin, some of the animal and frozen animal products illegally across the border.
Two containers of smuggled ivory seized at Cat Lai port

Two containers of smuggled ivory seized at Cat Lai port

VCN- On October 21, 2016, Teams 4 of the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department under the General Department of Vietnam Customs inspected 2 containers from Africa which included ivory tusks and pangolin scales at Cat Lai port.
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