Vietnam must step up carbon reduction to enter EU markets

Vietnam must step up carbon reduction to enter EU markets

Vietnam must start monitoring and issuing carbon certificates to exporters and retailers in response to the EU's recently passed carbon levy, said industry insiders and policymakers.
Deferred tax payments totaled VND nearly 106 trillion

Deferred tax payments totaled VND nearly 106 trillion

VCN - In 2022, the Ministry of Finance has effectively implemented the socio-economic recovery and development program with the deferral of tax payment and tax exemption and a reduction of nearly VND200 trillion.
Consider a 30% reduction in road use fee for transportation business

Consider a 30% reduction in road use fee for transportation business

VCN - It is necessary to issue a Decree to unify regulations on the rate and regimes of collection, payment, exemption, management and use of road use fees to stabilize the state budget revenue from this revenue and serve the maintenance of the road syste
Customs effectively implements tax exemption, reduction and refund policies to support businesses

Customs effectively implements tax exemption, reduction and refund policies to support businesses

VCN - To promptly and effectively implement policies to support enterprises and business households under the Government's socio-economic recovery program, in the first eight months of the year, the Customs sector has effectively implemented tax exemption
How would US tax reductions affect Vietnam

How would US tax reductions affect Vietnam's seafood exports?

VCN - According to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), the US is Vietnam's largest tuna import market, who are facing the highest inflation since 1981.
Ministry of Finance proposes reduction of green tax on petroleum

Ministry of Finance proposes reduction of green tax on petroleum

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has consulted ministries and agencies to report to the Government and the National Assembly Standing Committee on the reduction of green tax on petrol and oil to the floor level, said the Deputy Minister of Finance Ta Anh Tua
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc: reduction of petrol and oil prices requires comprehensive solutions

Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc: reduction of petrol and oil prices requires comprehensive solutions

VCN - Speaking at a discussion session on the performance of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in 2021 at the National Assembly hall on June 2, reviewing the implementation of Resolution 42/2017/QH14 on piloting bad debt settlement
Is a green tax reduction of VND1,000/liter for petroleum appropriate?

Is a green tax reduction of VND1,000/liter for petroleum appropriate?

VCN - According to the Deputy Minister of Finance, the green tax reduction for petroleum products will contribute to harmonizing the interests of people and businesses, helping reduce production costs and consumption costs for people.
Tax exemption and reduction for petroleum need careful review

Tax exemption and reduction for petroleum need careful review

VCN – According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh, Senior Lecturer at Academy of Finance, the tax exemption and reduction for petroleum needs reviewing carefully to ensure social justice as well as state budget revenues.
“Leverage” for businesses and the economy

“Leverage” for businesses and the economy

VCN – Speaking to Customs News, Dr. Mac Quoc Anh, Vice President of the Anti-counterfeiting Fund, Director of the Institute of Economics and Business Development, said the VAT reduction policy has met the financial requirements for management agencies, pe
Upgrading invoicing software to meet regulations on reducing VAT rate

Upgrading invoicing software to meet regulations on reducing VAT rate

VCN - Resolution 43/2022/QH15 takes effect from January 11, 2022 to December 31, 2023. Tax authorities have provided guidance on making invoices for those eligible for VAT reduction.
VAT reduction will reduce pressure on price level after Lunar New Year

VAT reduction will reduce pressure on price level after Lunar New Year

VCN - The CPI in January rose 1.94% and core inflation increased by 0.66% compared with the previous year. The price of nine out of 11 main goods and services saw a month-on-month increase.
MoF proposing 50% registration fee cut for domestically assembled and produced cars

MoF proposing 50% registration fee cut for domestically assembled and produced cars

VCN – The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has announced consultation on a draft Decree on registration fees for car, trailers and semi-trailers and similar vehicles which are manufactured domestically.
100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

VCN - The National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to promulgate solutions to support businesses and people hit by the Covid-19 pandemic at a meeting on September 16, said the National Assembly portal.
MoF to report to competent authorities about proposal on land rent reduction

MoF to report to competent authorities about proposal on land rent reduction

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has responded to issues related to public property management such as the VCCI's proposal on land rent reduction in 2021 for those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the status of management and use of State-owned housing
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