One year on from Resolution 128: an effective resolution issued at the right time

One year on from Resolution 128: an effective resolution issued at the right time

Dr Nguyễn Trí Hiếu, a leading financial-banking expert, talks to the Government Portal about the significance of the Government’s Resolution 128/NQ-CP after one year of enforcement.
Resolution sets major tasks and solutions for recovery

Resolution sets major tasks and solutions for recovery

The Vietnamese Government has made great efforts to recover the country’s economic growth, with key tasks as defined in Resolution No.02/ND-CP to enhance national competitiveness and create a larger space for businesses to flourish in 2022-2025.
Gov’t identifies focuses to obtain this year’s targets

Gov’t identifies focuses to obtain this year’s targets

The Government has issued Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP on the main tasks and solutions for implementing the socio-economic development and State budget plans for 2022.
Secretariat inspects implementation of Resolution of the 12th Central Party Committee’s 4th Plenum at Ministry of Finance

Secretariat inspects implementation of Resolution of the 12th Central Party Committee’s 4th Plenum at Ministry of Finance

VCN - On the morning of December 7, the Inspection team 142 of the Secretariat, led by Mr. Le Minh Khai, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Prime Minister had a working session with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance on the im
Lawmakers agree to issue Resolution on policies, mechanisms for COVID-19 fight

Lawmakers agree to issue Resolution on policies, mechanisms for COVID-19 fight

The National Assembly Standing Committee offered opinions on the adoption of health care policies and mechanisms in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic during a meeting in Hanoi on December 8.
Resolution 105 helps bring foreign experts back to Vietnam

Resolution 105 helps bring foreign experts back to Vietnam

Many foreign-invested enterprises tend to bring their own workers to Vietnam for work, particularly for management positions, due to the high requirements for qualifications, expertise and skills, especially differences in language and culture.
100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

100% of Standing Committee of the National Assembly votes for issuing Resolution on tax exemption and reduction

VCN - The National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to promulgate solutions to support businesses and people hit by the Covid-19 pandemic at a meeting on September 16, said the National Assembly portal.
Building a smart, modern customs

Building a smart, modern customs

VCN - The goals, directions, tasks and solutions of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress have been concretized by an Action Program associated with the political tasks.
NA to include COVID-19 fight in first session’s resolution

NA to include COVID-19 fight in first session’s resolution

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on July 23 assigned relevant agencies to add the issue of COVID-19 prevention and control to the agenda of the first session of the 15th NA.
Four new key contents in Government Resolution 02

Four new key contents in Government Resolution 02

VCN- This year, we see that the Resolution 02 is very short– it only has three pages. However, the form cannot show the spirit of the Resolution and the Resolution 02 of 2021 is considered the Resolution 02 of 2020 plus 4.
First protocol to amend ATIGA is ratified

First protocol to amend ATIGA is ratified

VCN- Vietnam joined ASEAN in1995 and implemented CEPT/AFTA since 1996 and later continued to implement ATIGA.
Ensuring implementation of Resolution on tax debt settlement in accordance with progress

Ensuring implementation of Resolution on tax debt settlement in accordance with progress

VCN - The tax sector will carefully analyze reasons for tax debts of each taxpayer to classify them and take appropriate measures.
MOF deploys Resolution on handing tax debts

MOF deploys Resolution on handing tax debts

VCN- The Steering Board is responsible for developing programs, plans, progress and measures to implement the resolution; directing and inspecting performance of tax departments; detecting and handling according to its competence or proposing problems ari
Tax debt elimination contributes to financial transparency

Tax debt elimination contributes to financial transparency

VCN- There have been three additions and amendments of the Tax Administration Law since 2006; however, it does not have regulations on handling tax debts, so the amount of tax debt, penalties for late payment, and delayed payment is constantly increasing
"No allow for choosing FDI projects"

"No allow for choosing FDI projects"

VCN- On the Resolution, the evaluation of the achievements that we achieved is very important and it also points the shortcomings of attracting FDI.
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