Surveying salary of 2,000 businesses to consider raising regional minimum wage in 2023

Surveying salary of 2,000 businesses to consider raising regional minimum wage in 2023

VCN - Ha Noi city, HCM city and Danang have the largest number of surveyed enterprises with 150 businesses.
New regulations on salary and bonuses for supervisory boards

New regulations on salary and bonuses for supervisory boards

VCN – The Ministry of Finance has recently issued Circular 105/2021/TT-BTC, guiding the salary, wage and remuneration of heads of single-member limited liability companies, of which charter capital is wholly owned by the State.
It is a temporary solution when base salary increase is delayed to 2021

It is a temporary solution when base salary increase is delayed to 2021

VCN - The Government's proposal to not raise the base salary in 2021 is necessary in the current context so that the state budget can ensure spending on other urgent tasks. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh, Senior Lecturer of the Academy of Finance spoke w
Proposing to loosen criteria of VND16,000 billion credit package to pay workers salary

Proposing to loosen criteria of VND16,000 billion credit package to pay workers salary

VCN - Asno enterprise has been able to borrow a package of VND16,000 billion with an interest rate of 0% to settle severance pay for employees, the Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Dao Ngoc Dung proposed to loosen loan criteria.
Ho Chi Minh Tax Department removes shortcomings on Personal Income Tax Finalization

Ho Chi Minh Tax Department removes shortcomings on Personal Income Tax Finalization

VCN- According to the representative of the PIT Department, only the income from salaries must be subject to annual PIT finalization. Income paying organizations regardless of whether raising tax deduction or not, must be responsible for declaring tax fin
The micro enterprises “load off” on the salary policy

The micro enterprises “load off” on the salary policy

VCN- The Government has just issued Decree No. 121/2018/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 49/2013/ND-CP dated 14 May 2013 stipulating the implementation of a number of articles of the Labor Code on salary
The salary should have the real value

The salary should have the real value

VCN- Many new points were mentioned in the project "Reforming salary policy for staff, civil servants, employees, armed forces and laborers in enterprises".
Deputy PM highlights importance of salary policy

Deputy PM highlights importance of salary policy

Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue has underlined the critical importance of the salary policy, which, he said, is closely related to other policies in the system of socio-economic policies.
Proposal to raise personal income tax from wages and salaries

Proposal to raise personal income tax from wages and salaries

VCN - Individuals with taxable income of VND 15 million per month will pay VND 250,000 more per month; Individuals with a taxable income of VND 30 million per month will pay more VND 400,000 per month
Wage reform: Focus on streamlining workforce

Wage reform: Focus on streamlining workforce

VCN- The working session was attended by Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung, leaders of Vietnam Social Insurance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Investment and representatives of Committee on Social Affairs and Finance-Budget Committee
Enterprises are worried about the new level of social insurance

Enterprises are worried about the new level of social insurance

VCN- According to the roadmap to 2018, earnings as the basis for paying social insurance will include salaries, allowances and other additional incomes.
4 sources to reform salary in 2017

4 sources to reform salary in 2017

VCN –The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 326/2016/TT-BTC regulating the implementation of the State budget estimate in 2017, clarifying the 4 sources to reform salary in 2017.
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