Budget revenue estimate in 2023: Focusing on core, sustainable revenues

Budget revenue estimate in 2023: Focusing on core, sustainable revenues

VCN – The State budget estimate for 2023 has just been approved by the National Assembly. Many contents of the 2023 budget estimate received the attention of experts and people, including budget revenue and expenditure estimates. According to a representa
Four objectives, seven solutions in 2023 budget estimate

Four objectives, seven solutions in 2023 budget estimate

VCN - At the Seminar "State Budget Estimates 2023- Outlooks and Challenges" organized by the Budget Transparency Alliance for Progress (BTAP) on the afternoon of November 10, experts mentioned the following contents of the 2023 State budget estimate, posi
Saving recurrent expenditures, cuts down on unnecessary expenditures

Saving recurrent expenditures, cuts down on unnecessary expenditures

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has strictly managed state budget spending, and thoroughly saved recurrent expenditures from the year’s estimation and during the implementation process.
Government requests development of economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023

Government requests development of economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023

VCN - Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai signed Directive 12/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on developing the socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2023.
Public debt strategy to 2030: Spending and borrowing within economy

Public debt strategy to 2030: Spending and borrowing within economy's ability

VCN - Director Truong Hung Long said that the development and implementation of the Public Debt Strategy for 2021-2030 is associated with six main points of view.
Saving VND72,068 billion of State budget in 2021

Saving VND72,068 billion of State budget in 2021

VCN – In the framework of the 10th meeting session of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on April 25, the Government reported to the National Assembly on the performance of thrift practice and waste combat in 2021.
State Treasury strictly controls spending

State Treasury strictly controls spending

VCN – From the beginning of the year, the State Treasury has strictly and effectively controlled budget spending in accordance with the law.
State revenue rises by 10.8% in first two months

State revenue rises by 10.8% in first two months

VCN - According to the General Statistics Office, State budget revenue in the first two months of 2022 rose by 10.8% year-on-year. Expenditures for socio-economic development, national defense and security, State management, debt repayment, Covid-19 pande
Wide view of Public expenditure now clear after five years of recommendations

Wide view of Public expenditure now clear after five years of recommendations

VCN – The recommendations from the 2014 Public Expenditure Review have been fully realised, achieving positive results and meeting the demands of public budget management.
Balance budget in 2021 before impact of Covid-19 pandemic

Balance budget in 2021 before impact of Covid-19 pandemic

VCN – The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the economy, directly affecting the State budget in 2021. Thus, the Government has actively managed the fiscal policy, ensuring the budget balance in order to raise revenue and cut unnecessary spending, and
State budget revenue in nine months rises by 9.2%

State budget revenue in nine months rises by 9.2%

VCN – Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the State Budget collection has been affected, but the revenue in the first nine months recorded growth year-on-year.
Highlights in financial picture for 2022-2024

Highlights in financial picture for 2022-2024

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has issued a circular guiding the State budget estimation in 2022 and the three-year financial plan from 2022 to 2024. Accordingly, the financial and budget picture for 2022-2024 has been outlined.
Hanoi State Treasury: Shortening spending control time and boosting public investment disbursement

Hanoi State Treasury: Shortening spending control time and boosting public investment disbursement

VCN – The Hanoi State Treasury has shortened spending control time and used online public services in operations to minimise the Covid-19 pandemic’s impacts on public investment disbursement.
Budget revenue reduces; urgent need is to save spending: Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung:

Budget revenue reduces; urgent need is to save spending: Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung:

VCN - During a discussion session on the socio-economic situation and State budget on November 5, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung, on behalf of the Government, explained a number of issues of concern that National Assembly deputies mentioned in the pas
The risk of State budget deficit 12.5% compared to estimate

The risk of State budget deficit 12.5% compared to estimate

VCN- On October 20, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung said that State budget revenue for the year is estimated at VND 1,323.1 billion, a deficit of VND 189.2 trillion (down 12.5%) compared with the estimate.
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