Strictly supervise all activities of the stock market

Strictly supervise all activities of the stock market

Strictly supervise all activities of the stock market is one of the directives of Permanent Deputy Minister of Finance Tran Xuan Ha
“Digitalize” the inspection and supervision of State Treasury

“Digitalize” the inspection and supervision of State Treasury

The mission set out for the State Treasury is to digitalize inspection and supervision in order to ensure the modernization schedule
State budget revenue in 2021 reaches the finish line a month early

State budget revenue in 2021 reaches the finish line a month early

By the end of November, the revenue collection of 2021 has reached the target for the whole year.
State Treasury implements solutions to speed up public investment capital disbursement

State Treasury implements solutions to speed up public investment capital disbursement

Local and municipal State Treasuries are requested to drastically implement solutions to speed up public investment capital disbursement
Publicised report of budget estimation 2020 to collect feedback of citizens

Publicised report of budget estimation 2020 to collect feedback of citizens

This is a report usually released during the year-end National Assembly meeting to provide the most simple and easy-to-understand information about next year's budget
VUSTA not eligible to buy public automobiles

VUSTA not eligible to buy public automobiles

The Ministry of Finance sent documents to Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) on the purchase of automobiles to serve work of the unit.
Continue to suspend the procurement of public car in 2018

Continue to suspend the procurement of public car in 2018

The Finance Ministry has issued Document 12008/BTC-QLCS guiding ministries, branches and localities on some contents related to the purchase of cars for serving work in 2018.
Hanoi State Treasury reduces 50 hubs at unit level with over 70 leaderships positions

Hanoi State Treasury reduces 50 hubs at unit level with over 70 leaderships positions

In 2017, Hanoi Treasury reduced 1 unit at division level; At the district State Treasury, they shifted work to specialists, reducing 50 team level hubs, and more than 70 leaderships respectively.
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