State-owned banks under capital increase pressure

State-owned banks under capital increase pressure

Vietnam’s four biggest State-owned banks have an urgent need for capital increase in 2023 as their charter capital is too low, with some unable to ensure the regulated minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR), according to industry insiders.
State-owned banks to raise charter capital in Q1

State-owned banks to raise charter capital in Q1

The Government has finally announced a roadmap to increase charter capital for large State owned banks in the first quarter of this year
93 State-owned enterprises yet to be equitised

93 State-owned enterprises yet to be equitised

As many as 93 out of 127 State-owned enterprises had yet to be equitized by May 2019, accounting for 73 per cent of the total amount.
718 State enterprises remain

718 State enterprises remain

VCN -the Steering Innovation and enterprises development Committee reported, after 15 years, the number of State-owned enterprises has significantly reduced.
Target to only have 333 State-owned enterprises

Target to only have 333 State-owned enterprises

VCN- In the first 10 months of 2016, the Government implemented the divestment of 60 State-owned enterprises. Until now, there are only 718 State-owned enterprises.
Divestment in State-owned enterprises doing business efficiently: Rushing divestment may disrupt the market

Divestment in State-owned enterprises doing business efficiently: Rushing divestment may disrupt the market

VCN- Speaking to the press on the afternoon of September 14, 2016, Mr. Dang Quyet Tien, the Deputy Director of the Corporate Finance Department said that the shares of Viet Nam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) would be sold within the year.
State-owned enterprises restructuring: Waiting for a new thrust

State-owned enterprises restructuring: Waiting for a new thrust

Although, there were 43 State-owned enterprises approved forequitizationon May 7, 2016 along with 558 enterprises approved in the period 2011-2015, but the quality of equitization deployment still is a matter for consideration.
Additional 5 enterprises approved for Equitization

Additional 5 enterprises approved for Equitization

​VCN- According to the latest report of the Ministry of Finance, in the first 8 months of 2016, there were 48 enterprises approved for equitization
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