State-owned enterprises expand production and export

State-owned enterprises expand production and export

Thanks to positive signals from the world market and strengths in brands and resources, many large state-owned enterprises have been planning to expand trade and export activities.
Arrangement, handling of real estate to be separated from equitization process

Arrangement, handling of real estate to be separated from equitization process

VCN - Although the system of legal documents on equitization and divestment has been amended and supplemented, it has not yet met the requirements of reality. This is also one of the reasons making the equitization of SOEs fail to achieve the target set o
Perfecting the institution of State capital investment in business and operation in enterprises

Perfecting the institution of State capital investment in business and operation in enterprises

The basic contents of the draft Law amending the Law 69 include investing State capital to the enterprise; re-structuring State capital in enterprises
Collecting VND2,180 billion from divestment in 7 months

Collecting VND2,180 billion from divestment in 7 months

According to the assessment, in seven months of 2022, the progress of equitization and divestment is slow.
Finance sector achieves VND941.3 trillion in revenue collection

Finance sector achieves VND941.3 trillion in revenue collection

The Ministry of Finance held an online conference to preliminary review tasks of the finance-state budget in the first six months of 2022 and setting out tasks for the last six months of 2022
Ho Chi Minh City: Businesses are recovering strongly

Ho Chi Minh City: Businesses are recovering strongly

The production and business activities of enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City in the second quarter of 2022 have improved a lot compared to the first quarter of 2022.
The SOE block will basically complete the restructuring and transformation of ownership by 2025

The SOE block will basically complete the restructuring and transformation of ownership by 2025

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai signed Decision No. 360/QD-TTg approving the scheme "Restructuring state-owned enterprises, focusing on economic groups, state-owned corporations in the 2021-2025 period"
Concentrate on equitization and divestment in enterprises with large capital scale

Concentrate on equitization and divestment in enterprises with large capital scale

The work of equitization, divestment, and restructuring of SOEs since the beginning of the year has not achieved many specific results.
Absorbing foreign capital to State-owned enterprise equitisation

Absorbing foreign capital to State-owned enterprise equitisation

State-owned enterprise equitisation has received many concerns from investors, especially foreign investors.
Expectation for a new look of state-owned enterprises

Expectation for a new look of state-owned enterprises

The restructuring of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) has achieved some positive results, but reality still requires further restructuring of the SOE sector.
Managing State capital investment in enterprises will be stricter

Managing State capital investment in enterprises will be stricter

the effective implementation of this policy and the supervision of State capital investments in enterprise will also be promoted
To let the private economy truly become the important motivation of the economy

To let the private economy truly become the important motivation of the economy

In order to develop the private economy into an important motivation of the economy, many experts believe that it is necessary to create a truly equal competitive environment
Need for independent valuation agency to involve in equitisation of State-owned enterprises

Need for independent valuation agency to involve in equitisation of State-owned enterprises

According to Professor Le Duy Binh, asset valuation is one of the most important contents in the equitisation of State-owned enterprises (SOEs).
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