Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

VCN - If the global minimum tax is applied, more than 1,000 businesses in Vietnam will be affected. Therefore, there is a need to develop a specific and appropriate plan to ensure Vietnam's tax levy rights as well as to attract foreign investment.
VAT rate of 5% applies to veterinary medicine

VAT rate of 5% applies to veterinary medicine

VCN - According to provisions at Point 1, Clause 2, Article 8 of the Law on VAT, preventive and curative medicines are subject to the 5% VAT rate.
Proposal to adjust tax rate of imported raw material for producing petroleum

Proposal to adjust tax rate of imported raw material for producing petroleum

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to amend tax rates for a number of items to stabilize the market and stabilize the source of domestically produced raw materials for oil products.
Mixed views on global minimum corporate tax rate

Mixed views on global minimum corporate tax rate

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) two-pillar solution has introduced a global minimum corporate tax rate (GMCT) of 15 per cent applicable from 2023, but experts have mixed positions on the tax.
Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Tax sector will coordinate with competent forces to strictly handle cases of not reducing VAT in accordance with Decree 15/2022/NĐ-CP.
Reducing land rent in 2021 for those hit by Covid-19 pandemic

Reducing land rent in 2021 for those hit by Covid-19 pandemic

VCN – The 30% reduction of the land rent is calculated on the payable land rent after it has been reduced in accordance with the law.
Tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products to be altered

Tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products to be altered

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has proposed revising the tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products in the Export Tariffs.
MoF proposes to revise preferential import and export tax rates for items

MoF proposes to revise preferential import and export tax rates for items

VCN – The draft provides two articles and key four content groups. Accordingly, it will revise preferential import and export tax rates for some items with a sharp increase in price.
Impose special consumption tax on pick-up car

Impose special consumption tax on pick-up car

VCN-The GDVC cites Circular 65/2017/TT-BTC and refers to the HS 2017 of the World Customs Organization saying pick-up cars for transport of people is under heading 87.03 and pick-up cars for transport of goods under heading 87.04.
Enterprises allowed to amend, add information, tax rates under EVFTA Tariffs

Enterprises allowed to amend, add information, tax rates under EVFTA Tariffs

VCN - According to regulations, enterprises and customs declarants can make amendments and supplements to customs declaration and submit documents related to amendments to customs declaration information and will be fined for administrative violations.
Moc Cat Tuong Company allowed to export Finger Joint Laminated Panels at tax rate of 0%

Moc Cat Tuong Company allowed to export Finger Joint Laminated Panels at tax rate of 0%

VCN- Accordingly, the Deputy Director General asked VIFOREST and Moc Cat Tuong Company to report the bases to prove the classification of this item into heading 4418 instead of heading 4407.
At the time of ATIGA, sugarcane is still struggling

At the time of ATIGA, sugarcane is still struggling

VCN – Under ATIGA, Vietnam was required to abolish tariff quotas on imported sugar from ASEAN from January 1, 2018.
Ho Chi Minh City proposes to raise Special Consumption Tax for alcohol and beer

Ho Chi Minh City proposes to raise Special Consumption Tax for alcohol and beer

VCN- Ms. Nguyen ThiThanh Hang- Deputy Director of Tax Policy Department under Ministry of Finance said that the proposal is well grounded.
Revising Law on Import and Export Duties: Amending the provisions on the tax rate bracket

Revising Law on Import and Export Duties: Amending the provisions on the tax rate bracket

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has proposed to amend provisions on some groups in the tax rate bracket in the draft Law amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on Import and Export Duties No. 107 / 2016 / QH13
Conditions for automobile component importers to enjoy the import tax rate of 0%

Conditions for automobile component importers to enjoy the import tax rate of 0%

VCN- Places for receiving dossiers: Customs Branch where enterprises register to participate in the program.
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