Business households encouraged to transform into enterprises

Business households encouraged to transform into enterprises

VCN - Creating policies to encourage business households to transform into enterprises will significantly contribute to meeting the target of one million operating enterprises in 2020 set by the Government.
Smuggling transformed through goods in transit – Part 2: Detaining immediately at border gates

Smuggling transformed through goods in transit – Part 2: Detaining immediately at border gates

VCN - The goods are mainly transited through 3 main border gates: Moc Bai (Tay Ninh) with over 2,000 declarations, Xa Mat (Tay Ninh) with nearly 400 declarations and Hoa Lu (Binh Phuoc) with over 350 declarations.
Transform business households into enterprises:  Do not force them to transform

Transform business households into enterprises: Do not force them to transform

VCN – The Government Resolution 35 / NQ-CP on supporting and developing enterprises by 2020 has set a target by 2020, there are at least 1 million operating enterprises in the country.
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