Seizing a shipment of wine labelled with an image violating national sovereignty

Seizing a shipment of wine labelled with an image violating national sovereignty

Chi Ma Customs Branch has temporarily seized a wine shipment due to a labelling image violating national sovereignty
Imported petrol, wine and beer in Hai Phong decrease significantly

Imported petrol, wine and beer in Hai Phong decrease significantly

In June 2019, two imported commodity groups bringing large revenues to Hai Phong Customs have decreased, compared to the same period in 2018.
Long An seize nearly 500,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes in 2 months

Long An seize nearly 500,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes in 2 months

According to Steering Committee 389 of Long An, the competent forces in the area has discovered and seized 471,003 packs of smuggled foreign cigarettes at the border of the province.
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