Enterprises prepare workforce shortage after Tết

Enterprises prepare workforce shortage after Tết

After Lunar New Year, Hồ Chí Minh City alone is expected to need about 45,000 skilled workers. The city and businesses are currently preparing scenarios to retain workers after the long holiday.
Which sector will have the largest demand on recruitment in the second half of this year?

Which sector will have the largest demand on recruitment in the second half of this year?

The demand for permanent workers is forecast to be especially strong in the banking, securities, and information technology sectors.
Workforce critical to feed industries in rapidly developing VN: experts

Workforce critical to feed industries in rapidly developing VN: experts

Việt Nam needs to focus more on developing feedstocks and production of intermediate goods, especially in terms of human resources, to enable its industrialisation, experts have said.

Vietnam's population forecast to reach 100 million by 2025

While population growth has slowed the country is grappling with a slew of problems including gender imbalance and an aging workforce.
Many flaws in export labor training

Many flaws in export labor training

VCN - The demands for labor recruitment of some markets such as Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, etc are very big,
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