The inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases

VCN – On the afternoon of May 6, Delegation No. 02 of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption for inspection of recovery of appropriated and lost assets  in criminal cases of corruption and economy, led by the General To Lam, the Politburo member, the Minister of Public Security, and Deputy Head of the Steering Committee worked with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance on the draft conclusion of inspection at the Finance sector.
the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases Issuance anti-corruption plan in Finance sector
the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases Ministry of Finance requests to protect people detecting and denunciating corruption and negative acts
the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases Finance sector: Repelling corruption and negativity through inspection and examination
the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases
General To Lam delivered a speech at the meeting.

Deploy seriously

Implementing Plan No. 192-KH / BCĐTW on September 4, 2018 and Decision No. 196-QD / BCĐTW dated October 26, 2018 of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption for inspection of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in the criminal cases of corruption and economy, from November 22 to November 29, 2018, Inspection Team No. 02 of the Steering Committee led by General Lam , Politburo member, Minister of Public Security, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee conducted an inspection at the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance on the situation and the results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in criminal cases of corruption and economy for the period January 1, 2013 to September 30, 2018.

During the inspection process, the Delegation worked with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance and the Party Committee, leaders of units such as General Department of Customs, General Department of Taxation, Ministry Inspectorate, Legal Department, Department of Public Management to conduct an inspection of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in criminal cases of corruption and economy.

As a result, the Party Committee and leaders of the Ministry of Finance seriously implemented the Plan No. 192-KH / BCDTW and Decision No. 196-QD / BCDTW in accordance with the inspection requirements, contents and program;

Implementing the Government’s guiding documents and promulgating many documents to direct the anti-corruption work; leading, directing the inspection and supervision of anti-corruption, especially developing and advising the development and completion of mechanisms, policies, standards, norms and regimes on financial and state budgetary management and recovery of appropriated and lost assets in criminal cases of corruption and economy.

From 2013 to September 2018, the Tax sector had 16 corruption cases criminally handled with the total violation amount of VND 15.39 billion, of which the corruptible amount that has been recovered was VND 4.55 billion. Tax authorities requested prosecution and transferred 551 cases to investigating agencies; investigating agencies prosecuted 119 cases and collected VND 348.6 billion.

The Customs sector issued a decision to prosecute 248 cases with a value of violation material evidences of VND 1,035 billion, requested the competent authorities to prosecute 452 cases. Seven cases of violating law officers were subject to criminal handling and 62 people were prosecuted.

The Securities Depository Center has conducted 35 securities blockades or suspended the transfer of securities ownership at the request of the Investigating Agency, Court, Judgment Enforcement Agency and related agencies.

the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases
Minister Dinh Tien Dung spoke at the meeting

The total amount of fees, court fees and assets recovered from corruption and economic cases, paid to the State Treasury was VND 50,233.1 billion. The amount processed was VND 46,107.38 billion

The agencies of the Ministry of Finance coordinated with the competent agencies to take measures to seize properties, goods, material evidences and block accounts in accordance with law and their functions, tasks, powers and responsibilities assigned.

Directing tax agencies and customs agencies and competent departments to improve efficiency in coordination with investigating agencies, supervision agencies and court in exchanging and providing information of assessment, valuation of assets, owners identification to serve the investigation, prosecution, trial of cases related to tax and customs.

The administrative procedure reform, information technology application in management, direction and operation were focused, bringing positive effects, contributing significantly to anti-corruption in the Financial sector. The management of data of temporarily collected or seized money and properties of competent agencies at the State Treasury and the amount remitted to the State budget from court fees, judgment execution fees and property recovered from cases of corruption, economy was strict and unified nationwide.

the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases
The meeting

Complete legal policies in the field of finance and property

In addition to the achieved results, the Delegation No. 02 also pointed out some remaining limitations in property recovery. In particular, policies and laws on asset management and control of large transactions are still inadequate; a coordination mechanism has not been established to implement the recovery of properties in the corruption cases with foreign elements; specific regulations on the mechanism of periodic information provision and exchange among agencies in the handling of property and material evidences in violation have not been issued.

General To Lam recognized and appreciated the efforts of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance in recovery of properties in corruption and economic cases. He proposed the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance to continue directing the serious and drastic implementation and coordination in recovery of appropriated and lost properties in criminal cases of corruption and economic in the future.

General To Lam required the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance to continue reviewing, proposing, amending, supplementing and completing legal mechanisms and policies in the fields of finance, public property and state budget revenue and expenditure; closely coordinate with the Government Inspectorate, relevant agencies to develop and improve legal policies on anti-corruption and implement United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption, contributing to improving the efficiency of the recovery.

the inspection results of recovery of appropriated and lost assets in corruption cases Anti-corruption in Finance: Many positive solutions

VCN- It is estimated that there have been positive changes and important results in preventing and repelling ...

In addition, working with state agencies in combating smuggling, trade fraud, tax evasion, transfer pricing, money laundering to strictly and legally handle violations; strengthening the inspection, and promptly detecting and handling violations with signs of economic crimes and corruption; enhancing inspection and implementation of conclusions and proposals through the inspection and handling of violations, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness, rules and disciplines of the Finance - State budget, contributing to combating revenue losses, wastefulness, corruption and negative acts.

Lam requested the Delegation No. 02 to synthesize the comments at the meeting, to complete the Report on the inspection results and submit it to the Steering Committee.

By Hong Van/ Huyen Trang

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