Unify a focal point for management of state expenditures: 99,89% documents processed in a timely fashion

VCN – According to Mr. Nguyen Hong Ha, Director General of State Treasury, the implementation of the Project on unifying the focal point for management of state expenditures via the State Treasury system over the country in the past one months had achieved positive results. 
unify a focal point for management of state expenditures 9989 documents processed in a timely fashion It is required to unify the focal point for public debt management
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unify a focal point for management of state expenditures 9989 documents processed in a timely fashion

Operations at Thai Nguyen State Treasury

The control of state expenditures via State Treasury in the principle of one door with one teller takes place smoothly and rightly. Accounting officer and treasurer closely work together and remove obstacles in a timely fashion, especially document transfer between the accounting division and expenditure management division of State Treasury at province level, between accounting officer and treasurer of State Treasury at the district level. Thereby, the implementation of the project is unified in the whole system, facilitating the transaction with clients, ensuring timely, and controlling expenditures under regulations

The transactions are carried out quickly; clients are guided carefully and fully on procedures, processing time and payment.

According to reports of the municipal and provincial State Treasuries from 2 October 2017 to 15 October 2017, the total received dossiers was 662,064 dossiers, including processed 659, 341 dossiers with the paid amount of 67,737,400 million VND and 2,723 dossiers in processing time. Dossiers and documents processed in a timely fashion accounted for 99.89% of the total received ones.

According to Mr. Nguyen Hong Ha, this result showed the efforts of the accounting officers, treasurers and leaders of State treasuries at all levels. He also noted activities in the coming time to better implement the Project

Accordingly, Information and Technology Department should continue to review and develop options by the end of the year to ensure the stability and smoothness of interface, document transfer, fund, payment as well as information on the TABMIS against congestion and always be available to help local units during the project’s implementation.

Administrative procedures in the control of state expenditures via State treasury should be reformed in the principle of reducing and streamlining expenditure monitoring dossiers required to be submitted to the State Treasury, giving more power for units using state budget, investors and the project management committee in deciding state expenditures (including recurrent expenditure and investment expenditure); and completing legal basis and organizing training course and deploying online public service of State Treasury nationwide from November, 2017.

unify a focal point for management of state expenditures 9989 documents processed in a timely fashion Unifying one focal point for management of state expenditures from October, 2017

VCN - This was said by the Deputy General Director of State Treasury under the Ministry of ...

For municipal and provincial State Treasuries which have not implemented their duties in the principle of “one door - one teller”” need to look back on and determine the number of units using state budget and project management boards in their province and city to assign works in accordance with the regulation. The work assignment in line with this principle must be finished before 31 October 2017. At the district State Treasuries, after removing the Team level, the chief accountant will not control the dossier and documents of state expenditures, the control will be done by the treasurer. Hence, Director General Nguyen Hong Ha requested Directors of State Treasuries in provinces to pay more attention to the civil servants in State Treasuries at the district level, create favourable conditions and guide them to follow and improve their knowledge as well as professional standard. Besides, publicizing the process, procedures, time of expenditure control at State Treasury’s officers for clients.

By H. Giang/ Huyen Trang

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