Customs sector deploys measures against revenue loss

VCN - In order to successfully complete the State revenue collection target assigned by the National Assembly and the Ministry of Finance, the Party Committee of the General Department of Vietnam Customs issued Resolution No. 01-NQ/ĐU on striving to complete the State revenue collection in 2021. The Party Committee of the General Department of Vietnam Customs requested the committees to drastically implement measures to combat revenue loss.

In the context of the world economic decline due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the domestic economy is also facing many difficulties, in addition, the implementation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) causes revenues to decline. Therefore, the implementation of the State revenue collection in 2021 of the Customs sector will face many difficulties, requiring great determination of the Party committees, leaders of units and all customs officials and employees of the whole sector.

Implementing the Resolution of the 13th Congress of the Party and the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, the Party Committee of the General Department of Vietnam Customs requested the committees to determine the completion of revenue collection as the top task of the General Department of Vietnam Customs in general and of each member of the Party and customs official in particular.

Party committees at all levels and leaders of the units thoroughly grasp and implement seriously, fully and effectively the Action Plan for implementing Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP of the Government on the continued implementation of the major tasks to improve the business environment and improve national competitiveness in 2021, Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP of the Government on key solutions to direct the implementation of socio-economic development plans and state budget estimate for 2021; Resolution 01-NQ/BCSĐ dated January 4, 2021 of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance on leadership and successful direction of the financial and budget tasks in 2021; Directive No. 215/CT-TCHQ dated January 15, 2021 of the Director General of Vietnam Customs on synchronous and drastic implementation of measures to facilitate trade, improve the effectiveness of state management, and combat revenue loss in the implementation of State revenue collection in 2021.

Ha Nam customs officials instructed enterprises to implement procedures. Photo: H.Nụ

Completing the process of formulating legal documents on customs, developing and promulgating regulations and professional processes in the customs field; reviewing the customs legal system to identify documents that need to be amended, supplemented and promulgated in order to meet the requirements of reform and modernisation of customs operations, facilitating the business community at the same time ensuring state management requirements on customs during the development period of the technological revolution.

Innovating the method of law dissemination, ensuring that each executive officer firmly grasps the provisions of the law at the same time being active in directly communicating and disseminating the law to people and enterprises to easily access legal regulations, official, correct, objective and multidimensional information on customs operations, enhancing law compliance.

Organising the assessment of the impact on revenue collection of the implementation of Free Trade Agreements (especially the CPTPP and EVFTA); researching, proposing and implementing solutions to increase revenue, combating revenue loss; proactively monitoring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and international integration commitments affecting State budget revenues, propose and report to the leaders of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, and leaders of the Ministry of Finance.

In particular, focus on reviewing and firmly grasping the situation of tax debts, classifying groups of debt that can be collected and are irrecoverable, propose appropriate debt recovery solutions, urge and monitor each month and quarter about the situation of tax debt collection and settlement; having strict management measures to prevent new arising tax debt. Reviewing and directing the implementation of measures to strengthen the inspection of valuation, the work of classifying, identifying tax codes and applying tax rates, examining tax exemption, reduction and refunds in accordance with regulations of law on tax. Regularly reviewing, amending and supplementing the List of import-export goods with price at risk together with reference prices in accordance with actual price fluctuations in order to serve as a basis for comparison and inspection of customs valuation.

Standardisation of the database on goods classification to ensure that an item has only one commodity number. Research and propose technological solutions for the classification of import and export goods.

Cau Treo Customs coordinated with competent forces to strictly control vehicles transporting goods across area in order to detect possible frauds. Photo: Thế Mạnh

Deploying comprehensive reform of the management and specialised inspection, connect to the national single window portal in accordance with the tasks assigned in the resolutions of the Government; organise the implementation of the Decree regulating the implementation of the National Single Window, the ASEAN Single Window and specialised inspection for imported and exported goods; effectively implementing Decision No. 38/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated January 12, 2021 approving the scheme on reforming the model of quality inspection and food safety inspection for imported goods.

Efficiently advise and use equipment serving customs inspection and supervision. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of goods inspection by container scanning machines. Building an intelligent customs management model based on specific and detailed problems of each field.

Leading the effective implementation of Directives, Resolutions and Decisions of the Party, State, Government, National 389 Steering Committee, Ministry of Finance in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeiting and illegal transporting of goods across borders as the permanent agency of Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance.

Strengthen control and fight against smuggling and trade fraud, illegal transport of goods across borders on all routes, strictly inspect and control imported and exported goods through border gates of land, sea, air and international post.

Strengthen professional measures on drug control at all stages, levels and localities; improve the efficiency of using specialised equipment and dogs for controlling drugs and precursor substances. Closely coordinate with the competent forces in the customs area in accordance with the functions, duties, authority and coordination regulations; improve the efficiency of information collection, exchange and processing with foreign organisations and individuals related to the prevention of smuggling and trade fraud.

Improving the quality of post clearance audit, avoiding complaints and tax debts. Amending the process of post clearance audit in the direction of reform, diagramming, quantifying and specifying the purpose of each step; focusing on building orientation plans in four major areas: codes, valuation, trade policy including duty-free goods and 17 free trade agreements, processed goods, export production and export processing. Focusing on implementing anti-fraud and counterfeiting origin; enhance the direction and orientation of the post clearance audit for the customs departments of the provinces and cities. Renovating authorised economic operator (AEO) management in order to facilitate businesses to comply with the law but still meet the requirements of customs management in the new situation.

Strengthen internal inspection through specialised inspections, irregular checks based on signs of violation, online checks through professional information systems of the Customs sector and surveillance camera systems monitoring duties to promptly detect and handle mistakes by enterprises, limitations and shortcomings, in the process of implementing the duties of customs officials.

By Nụ Bùi/Thanh Thuy

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