Priorities of SCCP APEC 2017 Work Program

SCCP APEC 2017 is mentioning many specific priorities to promote cooperation and developing in member economies.
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priorities of sccp apec 2017 work program
SCCP APEC 2017 meeting in Vietnam. Photo: Hoang Anh.

Trade facilitation

To contribute to the development and implementation of the Supply Chain Framework Action Plan Phase 2 (SCFAP II). Including the understanding of challenges, development of targets, identifying methodology and indicators and developing concrete action plans to the following SCFAP II chokepoints:

Chokepoint 1: Lack of coordinated border management and underdeveloped border clearance and procedures

Chokepoint 3: Unreliable logistics services and high logistical costs

Chokepoint 4: Limited regulatory cooperation and best practices

Chokepoint 5: Underdeveloped policy and regulatory infrastructure for e-commerce

To contribute to the implementation of the Boracay Action Agenda to Globalize MSMEs (BAA), particularly on:

Priority Action 1: Facilitate the access of MSMEs to FTAs/RTAs by simplifying and streamlining rules of origin (ROO) procedural and documentary requirements and harnessing IT to ease documentation and procedures

Priority Action 2: Streamline customs-related rules and regulations and assist in the compliance of MSMEs

Priority Action 3: Provide timely and accurate information on export and import procedures and requirements.

To discuss and identify specific actions to improve the chokepoints relevant to Customs specified by the SCFAP II, CTI will inform the Supply Chain Framework Action Plan (SCFAP) in the Phase of 2017-2020.

The SCCP will continue to support SOM and CTI implementing SCFAP Phase II, with particular focus on developing initiatives that address chokepoints

The SCCP will contribute to the systematic approach to addressing the SCFAP II chokepoints relevant to Customs, as contained in SCFAP Phase 1.

Chile will continue working on and update the implementation of the APEC Customs Transit Guidelines.

APEC Secretariat in coordination with Philippines will update on the stock-take on the implementation of the Boracay Action Agenda to Globalize MSMEs.

To continue capacity building efforts and efforts to support the development of SW systems, as identified within the SCF and support the development of SW and promote international interoperability among APEC members, SCCP will continue to work on the development of SW by 2020; promote international interoperability between/among SW systems; and consider the capacity of SW connection between/among APEC members.

Peru will inform the result of approval from CTI for establishing Interoperability pilot projects on single window system international interoperability initiative.

To organize Workshops or Seminars on SW to share experience and propose solutions for promoting international interoperability between/among SW systems

Secure trade


Assisting in establishing an AEO program in consistent with WCO SAFE Framework of Standards by each APEC economy;

Encouraging economies that have yet to develop AEO programs through capacity building and sharing of best practices;

Implementing BAA Priority Action 4: Widen the base of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) and trusted trader programs (TTP) to include SMEs in order for them to contribute to security, integrity and resiliency in supply chains.

Encouraging and promoting signing Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) between the interested economies.

Accordingly, SCCP will continue to promote AEO as best practice and work intersessionally in 2017 through evaluation, assessment, and information sharing.

Philippines will introduce a draft proposal on Capacity Building and In-Economy Workshop on AEO.

Korea will introduce a draft proposal on the development of the APEC Authorized Exporters Program (APEC AEP).

Cross-border E-commerce

To strengthen risk control and “Compliance and Facilitation” clearance for better customs control of Cross-border E-commerce, APEC economies will share information on the progress in the implementation of their cross-border e-commerce to discuss and figure out the methods for controlling cross-border e- commerce.

Partnership with Business Community

To enhance cooperation between the public and private sector Customs stakeholders in order to jointly develop and progress SCCP Priorities and promote the Virtual Working Group (VWG) activities to enhance customs public-private coordination in developing and progressing SCCP priorities, The VWG will continue to discuss priorities and work on information sharing when necessary to collaborate on mutual goals as it relates to trade facilitation and secure trade. WCO will also update the discussion result of the VWG's first meeting.

IT Information Technology and Risk Management

To exchange information on IT application to Customs clearance procedures and other Customs related trade facilitation areas and share information and experience on new technologies and equipment applied for Customs procedures to facilitate trade, SCCP will continue to exchange experience and information on new technologies applied in Customs control to facilitate trade. Accordingly, Japan will update information on the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) in risk management.

Intellectual Property Rights

To strengthen intellectual property rights (IPR) border enforcement in the APEC region and promote greater collaboration between Customs and right holders and share experience of C2C cooperation on information exchange about suspension of counterfeited and pirated goods, and enhance cooperation between Customs and right holders, SCCP will continue to exchange experiences and information on IPR border enforcement under new CAP. Accordingly, the United States will advise the next activities for APEC on IPR border enforcement.

Trade Recovery

To build the communication network to facilitate the resumption of the legitimate international flow of goods based on the WCO TRP and develop a list of contact points among APEC Customs administrations and develop tools for information exchange among APEC Customs administrations to facilitate trade recovery activities, SCCP will continue intersessionally with interested economies as well as continued work to generally enhance emergency preparedness.

priorities of sccp apec 2017 work program APEC promotes the Passenger Name Record (PNR)

APEC Ministers have encouraged “APEC economies to … utilize advance information systems such as advance passenger information ...

Collective Action Plan

To achieve remaining CAP items by 2020 and continue to develop appropriate measures including the creation of new CAP items to tackle rapidly changing environment surrounding Customs and develop and endorse the scope and timeline for all CAP items, CAP Coordinators/ Lead economies will review updates regarding the SCCP Collective Action Plan.

By Hoang Anh

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