Rotation and training goes along with anti-negativity

VCN- Determining rotation is not only the purpose of training and retraining civil servants, but also a solution to prevent and combat negative manifestations and acts. For many years, the rotation of civil servants has been carried out regularly and continuously by Customs.  
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rotation and training goes along with anti negativity
The work of rotation and position change has contributed to promoting the capacity of civil servants, creating staff resources, overcoming shortcomings, passiveness and stagnation in cadre work and prevent negativity. Photo: T.B.

Effectively promoted

According to the assessment of the Organization and Personnel Department (General Department of Customs), implementing the work of mobilization, rotation, and position change of civil servants for many years has been successful, bringing into full play the effectiveness in training and retraining to improve professional knowledge and skills for civil servants and to prevent negativities and irregularities, meeting the requirements of the customs service.

Rotationand position change have contributed to promoting the capacity of civil servants, creating a source of leadership, overcoming shortcomings, passiveness and stagnation in cadre work. At the same time, strengthening staff with professional skills for the fields of management and necessary areas when required, especially in border, island, mountainous and remote areas. This helps overcome local conditions in each locality and each unit. Civil servants have the opportunity to access many professional fields, both in advisory bodies and operational units so that theycan be comprehensively trained according to mission requirements. The majority of civil servants who have changed positions have promoted their roles, responsibilities and completed assigned tasks.

According to Mr. Dinh Ngoc Thang, Director of Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department, being a unit with a highworkload has a wide and complex operation and management area, so the arrangement ofcivil servants needs to be suitable for good implementation of the mission.

Every year, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department develops a rotation and position change plan for leading officials and civil servants in the units under the Department. On the basis of the plan, the work of rotation and position change is carried out effectively, meeting the work needs, in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Finance and General Department of Customs. Specifically, in 2018, the Department rotated, changed positions and mobilized on request tasksin643 cases. In the first six months of 2019, rotating, changing positions, mobilizing on demand tasks of 273 cases.

According to the evaluation of the Director of Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department, the rotation, change of working positions and mobilizing according to the task requirements have been put into order, creating an environment and conditions for cadres and civil servants to be trained and fostered, improvingtheir professional qualifications and skills and accumulation of practical experience to serve their work better. Young civil servants can promote their capabilities and strengths, contributing to leadership skills. The civil servants with management experience and deep expertise are assigned to be in charge of the appropriate professional fields, whilequalified and professional civil servants who are not suitable for the work being done are transferred to other jobs. This work helps prevent possible violations for civil servants in a number of sensitive work areas that are likely to occur negatively, such as goods inspection, prices andtaxes.

At Hai Phong Customs Department, from 2015 to 2019, this unit has developed a rotation, alternate plan, mobilized the transfer of positions for 920 cases; practically implemented 830 cases, of which 780 cases were implemented according to the plan, 50 cases performed according to the task requirements and internal protection.On average, the rate of rotation, transfer and change of annual working position is over 80%.

According to the Head of Hai Phong Border Gate Customs Department in Region 1, Truong Binh An, who has many years of experience in organizing personnel at Hai Phong Customs Department, the rotation has met the requirements for the actual case at the units, ensuring the publicity, transparency, democracy, the right order, the right authority and high consensus of leaders, committees at all levels and serious observance of civil servants. Creating conditions for civil servantswho have access to many professional fields, training, accumulating experience through many working positions and working environment, helping civil servants have an overview of the entire professional system while limiting local and closed trends in each unit; psychological satisfaction, stagnation and working under the path of civil servants.

This work also helps leaders at all levels to discover the capabilities and strengths of each civil servant, identify cases of adaptability and meet the tasks and requirements in many different positions for development to have training and retraining policies and to found a contingent of staff. Through mobilizing according to mission and requirements, the units have the opportunity to strengthen civil servants with in-depth knowledge of the profession, experience in specific fields (information technology, archives, articles anti-smuggling investigation), contributing to improving the quality of the team inthe unit.

Need to adapt

In addition to the results, the implementation of the rotation, mobilization and change of positions of some customs departments still faceslimitations such as some units face difficulties when performing the tasks of mobilization and change of working positions in combination with intensive requirements of some specific business fields due to lack of specific regulations in determining intensive tasks or activities with the same work property can be converted to each other.

A number of provincial and municipal customs departments that are typical of border gates located on the border line, hundreds of kilometers from headquarters, difficult living conditions, due to the distance of units the rotation and change of working positions are difficult, especially for female civil servants due to family circumstances such as small children and husbands traveling away.

A number of other units have contributed their opinions and regulations on the time limit for transferring and changing positions for some positions, which are unreasonable, leading to difficulties in promoting inheritance and continuity within the internal unit.

For example,according to the provisions of Decision 223/2019 / QD-TCHQ of the General Department of Customs on the issuance (temporary) of job placement descriptions, in order to assume the positions of post-inspection Customs clearance and risk management, civil servants before moving to this position must have at least two years of experience at the same business units. After circulating to these positions, to ensure the independent implementation of the main tasks, public servants must work at that position for at least two years, to be relatively proficient to five years or more.

Meanwhile, the period of mobilization for post-clearance inspection is 2-3 years, for risk management is two years as stipulated in Decision No. 686/2019 / QD-BTC of the Ministry of Finance; leading to the situation that civil servants with deep experience and expertise in each field cannot develop their full capacity, wasting human resources.

Therefore, the units requested the General Department of Customs to promulgate regulations, guidelines and procedures of maneuvering, changing positions to implement synchronously and uniformly acrossthe whole industry, and pay attention to specific provisions in areas needing intensive work or groups of work of similar nature when performing a position change.

In order to improve the efficiency of rotatingcivil servants in the Customs sector, the General Department of Customs is currently drafting specific regulations and guidelines on conditions, standards, procedures for transferring the position of civil servants to meet the task requirements to avoid arbitrary and negativity in this work.

At the same time, develop and issue a description of the position of the General Department of Customs as a basis for the transfer and arrangement of civil servants; at the same time, building training and retraining programs for civil servants before moving and changing positions.

By Thu Trang/Bui Diep

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