Streamline the apparatus of State Reserve: Focusing on evolution of ideology

VCN – Through a discussion with Customs News reporter, Ms.Tran Thi Hang Nga, Director of the Personnel and Organization Department of the General Department of State Reserve, said that although the streamlining the apparatus is a sensitive issue as it relates to people, it has to be done in the current context, especially in the context of accelerating administrative reform, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management.
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It is known that the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance has just issued Resolution No. 04-NQ / BCSD on the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW and Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of the XII Congress of the Communist Party aims to renovate, streamline and re-organize the apparatus for operating effectively. As a unit under the Ministry of Finance, how is the General Department of State Reserve implementing the work, dear madam?

To implement the Resolution 04, firstly, the units of the General Department of State Reserve have coordinated with Party Committees at all levels to disseminate and thoroughly understand Resolution No. 18-NQ / TW, Resolution No. 19-NQ. / TW of the XII Congress of the Communist Party.

Moreover, in a spirit of urgency and seriousness, the General Department State Reserve has developed a detailed implementation plan, specifying the contents of the scheme and tasks to be implemented in the coming time. We have conducted an assessment of the current state of the system of State Reserve departments of the General Department of State Reserve. Accordingly, up to 30/9/2017, the General Department of State Reserve has 98 departments of State Reserve and 221 stocks are distributed in 45 provinces and cities. There are no reserve units in 18 provinces and cities. All the State Reserve Departments have set up a full-service department - administration and maintenance unit.

With the organizational structure as above, the Department of State Reserve has basically performed well the functions and tasks assigned. National reserve goods put into warehousing, warehousing and stock delivering to ensure the quality as prescribed. The Department of State Reserve has an organizational structure consisting of a maintenance department, a department of administration, and a stockpile to ensure task completion smoothly and efficiently.

However, it must be straightforward to recognize that the system of State Reserve Department is managing many small-scale stockpiles with a dispersed layout, so there are many shortcomings in the organization of the task, the management of property, goods, civil servants. The application of science and technology to the preservation of goods is difficult, sometimes limiting the ability to meet urgent requirements on prevention, combat and recovery of natural disasters, fires and epidemics.

It should be affirmed that with such situations, the arrangement of the system of State Reserve departments on the basis of planning the stockpiles in order to ensure centralization, streamlining and effectiveness is necessary. This arrangement is to implement the objectives of the National Reserve Development Strategy up to 2020 (issued in conjunction with Decision No. 2091 / QD-TTg dated 28/12/2012 of the Prime Minister), and it is the basis for the State Reserve to implement the staff downsizing project approved by the Ministry of Finance.

With the specific solution presented in the Resolution 4, what are the plans for deployment of the General Department of State Reserve in the coming time as well as the future?

The overall goal should focus on building a streamlined and efficient apparatus step by step, ready to meet urgent requirements on prevention, combating and overcoming of the consequences of natural disasters, catastrophes, fire and disease; serving national defense and security.

The arrangement of State Reserve Department is based on the principle of alignment with the National Reserve Development Strategy to 2020, in line with the planned stockpile system project until the year of 2020 for the State Reserve, and the implementation schedule is in line with the medium-term investment plan. At the same time, the reorganization must be directed, and directed by the leaders and the committees at all levels; take appropriate steps; well implement ideological education to ensure stability and fulfill tasks.

The road map for re-arranging the departments depends on the implementation of the planned stockpile system project of State Reserve, and it will be implemented in parallel with the establishment of State Reserve Department. In 2017, the General Department of State Reserve submitted to the Ministry of Finance the decision to consolidate the five departments of state budget, to set up a new department of state budget.

And in 2018, we will continue to consolidate for the reduction of 5 state reserve departments. In subsequent years, depending on the situation of investment in the construction of new stockpile, continue to review and consolidate state reserve department in line with the detailed planning on the system of national reserve warehouses.

Streamlining the apparatus is a sensitive issue because it involves people. What does the General Department of State Reserves have to do to harmonize this work, madam?

Indeed, streamlining the apparatus is a sensitive issue because it involves human beings. But in the current trend it has to done, especially in the context of accelerating administrative reform, raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the state management.

In order to effectively implement the scheme, the General Department has also requested the Ministry of Finance to pay attention to allocating investment capital for the construction of stockpiles under the detailed planning approved by the Minister of Finance. Review as a basis for arranging stockpiles for the State Reserves Departments effectively.

At the same time, the General Department of State Reserves also requested the Ministry of Finance to reserve the position allowance for leading officials in the process of reorganizing and consolidating the organizational structure.

On the side of the General Department of State Reserves, to review and report to competent authorities on amendments and supplements to the planning on the stockpile system to ensure the compatibility with the demand for use of national reserve goods and orientations for socio-economic development of the country and each locality. At the same time, to assign the directors of the local State reserve departments to formulate and implement plans on rearrangement of the State reserve departments after getting approval by the competent authorities.

In particular, I think that to achieve this, it is important to create a consensus in implementation. Therefore, the General Department of State Reserves identified the work of organizing awareness, raising awareness, creating a clear transformation of thought and action is one of the leading important tasks. Accordingly, the agencies, organizations and units of the General Department of State Reserves coordinate closely with Party organizations and committees of the same level to deploy and thoroughly grasp resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government. On this issue, the entire staff of civil servants, employees and laborers under their management.

With the above activities, I believe that it will create a consensus in the implementation process, not causing disturbance, disunity within the system of State Reserve sector.

Thank you so much!

By Hồng Vân/Thanh Thuy

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