Guidance on checking certificate of origin

Guidance on checking certificate of origin

Recently, the General Department of Vietnam Customs issued a guidance document relating to certificate of origin under the list of goods stipulated in Appendix II of Circular 38/2018/TT-BTC.
Instruction on certificate of origin in CPTPP and EVFTA

Instruction on certificate of origin in CPTPP and EVFTA

The General Department of Vietnam Customs has issued guidance document on certificate of origin in CPTPP and EVFTA and sent to provincial Customs departments.
Checking the special preferential import tariff rate of AHKFTA

Checking the special preferential import tariff rate of AHKFTA

General Department of Vietnam Customs requested provincial customs departments to check dossiers, identify origin and special preferential import tariff rates of AHKFTA
The code on the certificate of origin only for reference

The code on the certificate of origin only for reference

VCN – The code on the certificate of origin (C/O) is only for reference but not for goods classification.
Certificates of origin go digital

Certificates of origin go digital

Vietnam has expanded the exchange of electronic certificate of origin (e-C/O) to aid trade activities.
Discovery many cases of violation in large scale related to petrol

Discovery many cases of violation in large scale related to petrol

Vietnam Customs has detected many violated cases of transport petrol illegally across border, in that there are many violated cases in large scale with sophisticated circumstance.
Additional guidance at the submission time for C/O

Additional guidance at the submission time for C/O

The Ministry of Finance has issued an additional guidance when lodging a Certificate of Origin (C/O) for samples, except C/O form VK
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