What impact do many foreign currencies depreciate on import and export of Vietnamese goods?

What impact do many foreign currencies depreciate on import and export of Vietnamese goods?

VCN - According to Ms. Kim Thu, shrimp market expert of the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers, on July 14, the Japanese yen fell to a new low record within 24 years against the dollar.
Tax payment in foreign currencies: Great transformation and facilitation

Tax payment in foreign currencies: Great transformation and facilitation

VCN - Based on the Law on Tax Administration, the Ministry of Finance has drafted a circular guiding currency for tax declaration and payment in foreign currencies and the exchange rate.
What are fines for bringing cash, gold or foreign currency without customs declaration?

What are fines for bringing cash, gold or foreign currency without customs declaration?

VCN - The failure to declare or inaccurate declaration of cash in foreign currencies allowed to be carried, cash in Vietnamese dong or gold exceeding the prescribed limit when entering or leaving Vietnam can be fined depending on the value.
Businesses active before exchange rate development

Businesses active before exchange rate development

VCN – From the beginning of the year, foreign exchange rates saw strong fluctuations, increasing and decreasing in a high range.
New regulations on use of foreign currencies in Vietnam

New regulations on use of foreign currencies in Vietnam

A circular amending and supplementing several provisions of Circular 32/2013/TT-NHNN guiding the implementation of regulations on restricting the use of foreign currencies in the territory of Vietnam became effective on May 13.
What are procedures for carrying $ US 35,000 upon exit?

What are procedures for carrying $ US 35,000 upon exit?

VCN - What are procedures for Customs declaration to carry $ US 35, 000 to the US and how much is the declaration fee because under law, each person is only permitted to carry $ US 5,000 without Customs declaration.
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