Failure to keep the exchange rate will cause difficulties for import and export

Failure to keep the exchange rate will cause difficulties for import and export

The USD/VND exchange rate has increased by about 3.81% compared to the end of 2021, but the devaluation of VND against USD is lower than that of other currencies in the world.
Exchange rate is no longer a concern

Exchange rate is no longer a concern

VCN - According to the report on the socio-economic situation in 11 months of 2022 by the General Statistics Office, the USD index in November 2022 increased by 8.71% over the same period in 2021; average in 11 months of 2022 increased by 1.83% compared t
Smuggling across the southern border "hot" with consumer goods – Last post: Blocking and arresting many smuggling cases of foreign currency.

Smuggling across the southern border "hot" with consumer goods – Last post: Blocking and arresting many smuggling cases of foreign currency.

VCN - After a long period of silence, the illegal movement of money and foreign currency across the border has recently increased again. Many violations were discovered and caught by the Customs force at the border gate.
If the exchange rate is not flexible enough, it will be difficult for imports and exports to compete

If the exchange rate is not flexible enough, it will be difficult for imports and exports to compete

State Bank's decision to adjust the spot exchange rate band between USD and VND from ±3% to ±5% is consistent with the goal of stabilizing the foreign exchange market
Illegally transporting gold and foreign currency worth nearly VND3 billion in Lao Bao

Illegally transporting gold and foreign currency worth nearly VND3 billion in Lao Bao

The investigation police agency of Huong Hoa District Police has just prosecuted the criminal case "Illegal transportation of goods and currency across the border" seized on November 11, 2021
Exchange rate sees flexible fluctuations

Exchange rate sees flexible fluctuations

VCN – Speaking to Customs News, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Tri Long, former director of the Price and Market Research Institute (Ministry of Finance), said that the foreign exchange rate in Vietnam is flexibly managed and supported by many "buffers" of the econ
Govt plans to issue bonds in foreign currency

Govt plans to issue bonds in foreign currency

The Government plans to issue US dollar-denominated bonds in the domestic market to fund additional stimulus packages to foster the recovery of the economy.
Shrimp industry strives to remain big foreign currency earner

Shrimp industry strives to remain big foreign currency earner

Over the past one month, the shrimp industry in the Mekong Delta has been exerting every effort to sustain operations and fulfill the signed export contracts while there is not much time left in 2021 and many new COVID-19 infections continue to be recorded in the region.
Amendment of regulations on customs valuation for clarifying calculation methods and exchange rates

Amendment of regulations on customs valuation for clarifying calculation methods and exchange rates

The issue of customs valuation will be amended to ensure objectivity and to balance the content of legal documents.
Moody affirms its long-term domestic and foreign currency deposit and issuer ratings of four Vietnamese banks

Moody affirms its long-term domestic and foreign currency deposit and issuer ratings of four Vietnamese banks

Credit rating agency Moody's on May 26 affirmed its long-term domestic and foreign currency deposit and issuer ratings of four Vietnamese banks.
Exchange rate in 2021 will fluctuate less, enterprises should not be subjective

Exchange rate in 2021 will fluctuate less, enterprises should not be subjective

Many experts believe that room for operating monetary policy in 2021 will be narrower than in 2020, but with a stable macroeconomic foundation, there will not be any exchange rate shocks
Person arrested transporting currency via border trails

Person arrested transporting currency via border trails

A case of transporting currency illegally via border trails was detected and handled by competent forces at Vinh Xuong International Border Gate – An Giang.
"Shaping" remittance flow in the right direction

"Shaping" remittance flow in the right direction

VCN - In recent years, the flow of overseas remittances to Vietnam has been constantly increasing. T
Foreign currency reserves hit 68 billion USD in H1

Foreign currency reserves hit 68 billion USD in H1

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has reported a foreign currency reserve amount of 68 billion USD in the first half of 2019, the highest level so far.
Warning the phenomenon of foreign currency and money transfer crossing border

Warning the phenomenon of foreign currency and money transfer crossing border

VCN - Although Quangninh Customs officers discovered and handled many people hiding money and foreign currency on their bodies when doing immigration procedures, Quangninh Customs force is very concerned and warning about this.
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